600 / 671
Sep 2021

Well the amount is something else in this one (how many 72? So it's like 4 times) it's expected I can't get them in a go.

Also sorry gen and everyone else for butchering your hardwork, but this is an optimized scaled image for Instagram carousel. Shit quality because made on mobile as an example.

If you'd like better quality:
- Make a canvas of 3:1 of width and height
- Import the image and fit it
- Split into three, you can use this3

@Legendofgenii is it ok I post on my Twitter as I haven't gotten round to making an Instagram account yet :sob: and may I post it on on my big art share episode for my comic Guardian-Wings? :kissing:

Here's mine.

I made it myself, so it depends on the other deeming if they need it or not. It's just my garbage attempt to show the best format for IG carousel :slight_smile:

I think if you made it, IG users would be thankful. That is if you're not busy

I just tested the above and they look good. Just figuring out the tagging thing :sweat_smile:

IG didn't allow me to tagg more than 20 even with multiple photos, so I just put the list of creators with @ in the description :sweat_02:

@lomcia added yours to the list :+1:

Thank you for the fun challenge @Legendofgenii. It was a nice change from the daily promo dumping.:relieved:
Oh. And Genii,

Ah we finally know what the dog did, he got the crown

Oh, I think I forgot to mention my Instagram, it's @eugenia_kelheor :tapa_mummy:

Thank you for this great collab, @Legendofgenii! :two_hearts:

Here's my series:

And for the twitter folks, I'm @ArtKaetana there.

Nice work everyone, this turned out great. :grin: And thank you so much @Legendofgenii for all your hard work organizing this and putting it all together! I don't think I've ever seen such a big collaboration be so successful, this has been amazing to watch come together!

I've just posted a beefy shoutout post of this challenge on my twitter. :sweat_smile:

edit: I think it's better i share the twitter links here too.
(if i missed yours please reply with your twitter account names)

@Jacquel69705550 @Dan_R_Middleton @Kenneth08793416 @RedCrstlDragon @TedGravesArt @delyththomasart @rucalikes @ArtKaetana @Lomciara @jens_richard @HockeyWebcomics @adii_stiatent @f0nkart @llyrel_draws @kann_able @Irisgrimoire_ @CrazyLunaticXD @eugenia_kelheor @ZTrollborn @maraclea5 @euphisa @feuersichel @IndigoShirt @migxmeg @TamAnnoying @blackfoxross @ArtKaetana @afutempura @PKLpikachu @Demydot @darthmongoose @elfgrafix @pomspomart @gleamiarts @dark4lice @wuz_of @doublemelontoon @rumpenstiltzkin @foxnflames_aw @Sethstiel @otakurose4 @pastel_ai @orribuboop @MissMonocleArt @soulless_shi @CrowStories @webcomicMAOR

This is amazing, it looks great. Thanks for this event it was really fun almost like it was all of us creators doing a gig pile instead of our characters :joy:

My comic link

Yussss! :smiley: Here's my link:

And thank you @Legendofgenii for the Instagram friendly versions! :heart_eyes:

ok guys! to be honest I want you to send me comics on DM it will be easier for me to gather them togheder in one place. If this is not a problem. So I got those from here all others on DM please

Were already fans of each other's comics on here but for anyone else interested: