There's news...a brand new Re:Apotheosis series starts on Saturday! This one is a comedy, and the title is Aquila and Kasumi watch...
And here's the blurb:
Aquila is a former god of destruction with a penchant for military coats and popped collars who waged a personal war against the world of her creator. Kasumi is her creator, who Aquila saved through a miracle and is now Aquila’s partner in all things. Now that Aquila has atoned for her actions, she and Kasumi are touring the story worlds with their friends...while taking a bit of time to watch some TV and movies.
Come join Aquila and Kasumi on the couch for a nice chill chat as they talk about the latest thing they’ve sat down and enjoyed.
And here's the cover art, created by Dabdab:
(The title layout is still being tweaked, but that should be done by Friday. What is on the series page right now is a temp cover and banner.)
While there is a degree to which this series exists to help keep active Re:Apotheosis content in play while the main storyline transitions out of serialization to the book series in print and e-book formats, there's a bit more to it than that. I really love these characters, and I love having them chattering away in my head. But, every time I finish writing a book or story with them, they leave my head along with the story. So, this is a way to let these characters stay in my head, with Aquila going on delightfully wild and bizarre tangents while Kasumi tries to keep up and remain a voice of reason.
Now, this is planned for a weekly schedule, but unlike a serialized story, these are reviews of recent shows and movies, and as such it's not possible to do as much in terms of creating a queue. I'm going to try to maintain a weekly schedule, but there may be disruptions, and if it has to move to every two weeks, so be it.
This is also a series based in positivity. I don't like the meanness of spirit that exists in pop culture commentary today, and I would much rather poke gentle fun at a good series that I like than tear down a bad series that I don't. So, if Aquila and Kasumi talk about a movie or show, it means that I enjoyed it and I think it's worth watching - it IS an endorsement. There will be no tear-downs here.
As I said, the series goes live on Saturday morning, and the first show Aquila and Kasumi will be sitting on their couch to discuss will be season 3 of Star Trek Picard...and Aquila has thoughts about it!