1 / 19124
Nov 2020

I thought it would be fun to make a sketch a day post. All are welcome, please join in! :grin:

I try to do this most days, and I know of a few others here who do too, so I thought we could do a sketch (or as many as you like) a day - share them here, chat about them and encourage one another. No worries if you skip a day (or two, or twenty).

There are so many threads about loosing motivation lately and I thought this could help. :heart:

Any media is welcome, as long as it's a sketch. It doesn't matter what it's of, or if it's not perfect, or if it took 10 minutes or 10 hours - lets just have fun drawing and sharing!

I'm working on this for my Tapas ink button link and thought it appropriate for the first sketch as he's drawing. :sweat_smile::heart:

Current challenges (for fun - no pressure!)

We are practicing drawing different expressions and following the prompt sheet below. You could draw your OCs or just make up a new character/s. Have fun! :grin:

Here’s a ‘your OC in different styles’ prompt sheet. :grin:

This one is for my comic. I'm trying to make panels that have a lot of talking larger and a bit more interesting to look at (I'll eventually paint in a pretty background). So far it's taken me about an hour.

I sketch out the figures as shapes (drawing a spine line first) then I'll turn the opacity down on that and sketch over the top on a new layer (each character on a different layer so I can move them around).

I'll try to join, since sketch a day (outside of comics) is something I want to do for a long time now :heart:

When you cannot handle that he's the stoic one now :smirk:
It's like... story continuation AU or something, since the story doesn't have a continuation. Why not draw something from it.

Do you have a video?:smirk: But yeah, everything looks so clean it's almost impossible to believe you can have a mess on your canvas :hohoho:

I'll bite - this is a great exercise that I'm not currently doing! You get my messy action gestures that I need to work on for next year's project :sweat_02:.

@Legendofgenii that is the most serene hilltop/cleanest sketch process I've ever seen - dang.
@WOSTR so much mood in that body language - well expressed!
@Kelheor your expressive faces are inspiring to me.

You’re exactly who I thought would be up for this. :grin:

That cutie just made me squeal with glee! The Little eyelashes got me. :persevere:

Next years project? The who and the what now!? Excited!

I find action poses tricky too. I like sitting poses or portraits best.

Edit: oh and people looking straight down (the eyes always look crazy) :joy:

TPR is a bit of training-wheels project for us (that we love to death of course) that we took on because we knew we weren't ready for the story we started talking about a few years ago. I am so glad we started with something we thought would be short. RIP.

Oooooo! Well I’m loving TPR so I can’t wait to see what you guys do next. :grin:

I uh... totally jumped in the deep end with mine, :sweat_smile: but I’m loving it so that’s ok I guess. I don’t really know if I could do another comic or what it would be about? :thinking: Maybe ghost hunting... with a cute bunch of kids - with like a Goonies vibe? :smile:

Thanks :heart_03:.

I bet your ghost hunters would be adorable!! It's a wild ride to jump right in! I'm glad you're loving it so we can enjoy Gen's journey <3.