15834 / 19124
Jun 2023

Hey everyone!
I had a terrible damn week, but I guess it's time to come back regardless. I missed half of the wheel of the year holidays already, but I really want at least this one picture for Midsummer ^^

Good to be back! :blue_heart:
I couldn't handle talking to anyone, so I took a break from literally all the socials :see_no_evil:
At least the weather was good and we had a lot of walks ^^ gotta love summer time

Today's sketch comes from a Dragon Sparking panel ink stage.

I don´t have much time for sketching at the moment because I have commissions to work on,
so I decided to learn just one thing that I always avoid and that is feet. I can never remember
which side the fibula and tibia (leg bones) is. I tried to remember with various hacks and
it´s actually super simple but I still forget it.
I think it will work like this, I´ll sketch this with pencil a few more times tonight and I hope
I will remember it forever

Here’s a first look at character designs for future episodes of Superwoman: Code Oblivion.

Evil Superwoman:

Pear (in some ninja attire):

Randomly sketching my old OC!
Haven't gave him name yet but i've brainstormed the setting, it is a fantasy setting with influence of East and Southeast Asia! He's from Dragon clan.

This was an old concept that I thought about back in 2001 back in my high school punk rock era Simon with a fresh updated art. P.U.N.K.Z.

Sketch and final product of a panel I’m kinda proud of from my latest page

The first thing I sketched this morning was the feet in front view and I still remembered :smiley:
I think it stuck. Today I will do the side view

Bel and traditional Slav fun of hugging white trees with demonic black eyes

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I don´t know why this topic got linked to my answer

Here is some of the stuff I sketched today and the structure that I´m using right now / learned.
Character side view. I´m only using some parts of it when I sketch but it helps me.

It was my link, got the closest post :grin:
The one from the bottom is just great, this angle is always such a pain for me x)

This is what I will use to build my references with.
It´s called Handy art reference tool, they got 3d hands and feet, male and female.
It´s really good. Feet are super important imo. Or it´s really impressing to see
artists who are good at drawing hands & feet

People always say hands are difficult to draw, but I think feet are harder. You can hide them in shoes I suppose. :sweat_smile:

@Lensing it is most impressive! I got a liking of drawing them (and hands) knowing I can do more impressive shots with them? It's a bit strange, but it gives you some empowerment xD

@Legendofgenii I cursed everything when I drew a bunch of shots for the short story with the MC only being at home, but after that it was mmmm, I can draw feet now (Quentin Tarantino enters the brain) :joy:

I've been doing little weekly watercolor illustrations based around my comic-strip BERRY BONES, and I thought this week's turned out alright considering I messed up 1,000x on it, haha. Started off as a Ramona Flowers homage, quickly turned into a Looney Tunes thing, which quickly kinda became its own thing.

(I'm using an old Inktober weekly-challenge list as a loose guide.)

((Stumphammer FTW!)))

@Rue wait is it... Traditional? Digital?? Because I wanted to ask what brush it is and now I am not sure :smiley:

@HarryM love the bright colors! :grinning:

I never draw feet in my cartoon style comics and those comics are also easy to draw for me.
The SOL/humor/erotic story that I´m planning needs a lot of feet :smiley:

It’s digital lmao i like it because of the traditional look as well :joy: it’s procreate default brush in the inking section called pandani /o/

Collection of random sketches, but maybe Erras really does find a giant doggo ( @aqua03 ‘s Charlie). :laughing:

I know I haven't been very active on here lately. That's mostly cuz I'm focusing on my physical health and getting used to my new job.
Anyway, here's a quick sketch of Regs having a lazy day.