That's a good point and something I have been trying to consider more with projects I am working on now. I gave up on Big Dead Energy ever being traditionally publishable, but I WOULD like to actually publish something at some point, so my newer projects are much shorter standalones in which the romantic relationships are more important to the story. I wouldn't say I've got a handle on writing to an audience or marketing, but I at least think I've solved a couple of problems that stood in the way of BDE ever being interesting to a larger audience. The complicated naming systems and preoccupation with class aren't going anywhere though lol.
Serial authors: Does reader feedback (crits or comments) ever change the way you write a story?
Feedback from beta readers? Yes, of course. Feedback from readers on Tapas? I might know if I ever got feedback on Tapas lol. You're the only one who ever comments on my serial, and I don't think you've ever suggested I change anything. But in theory, it's hard to say... I post BDE as a serial, but I finished the drafts of both books in the series and had them beta read before I ever started posting them. I'm still making edits as I go, but the story is mostly hammered out.
I think if I got some real thought-provoking critique I could be motivated to make major edits based on it, though. I am always open to hearing what doesn't work or could be better in a story, though, because even if I can't apply it to the current story I'm posting, I can probably apply it to later works.