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Sep 2024

Been a while since I've posted here hehe.

I've mainly been working on getting pages out consistently, but also I've found better ways to market my work and my patreon. I recently hit $50 a month on Patreon, which for my following size is pretty damn good. I'm very proud! Especially because I have more people to share early access with tbh.

This is more just a rambling post but I'd love to hear any other tips other people use for promoting their work.

I've recently given up on using tiktok to actually promote my work, I feel my account is lowkey dead on there. But I use it to edit my videos to repost onto reels. Reels has actually been way more useful to me recently. I have a dedicated instagram account for my comic, which is where I post my reels. The captions on my reels just tell people to follow to read the comic, which has been great for finding new readers because they don't have to jump across platforms. I learned how to better promote my work on Instagram from @serakatto (Creator of Second Contact), and they've been lovely and helpful to me and other creators with tips and advice.

Anyways, I ended up posting reels a few times a week, not recently though as I'm busy with other things. But it has helped me reach 10k subs on Webtoon which has been nice. Still quite slow with building a following since horror is a bit more of a niche genre but it's been good.

I was pretty adverse to promoting my patreon, because I hated feeling like I was shaking my readers and going "GIVE ME MONEY!!" but... I found that posting teasers of early access while slyly putting that this is from patreon on my main account has actually gotten way more people to sub to my patreon. And I feel not annoying, as I know people who aren't subscribed still have snippets of things to look forward to in future updates. It caught me off guard, seeing new people pop up on patreon more rapidly, I was used to having 2-3 patreons for the whole of last year haha!

Hoping to keep finding new cool ways to market my work cos if I don't do it, it doesn't get done LMAo... (sad reality)

But yeah. Ramble done.

  • created

    Sep '24
  • last reply

    Sep '24
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