10 / 11
Dec 2022

Im pretty new to writing manga amd want to get more experience as well and am looming for an artist I have several one shot ideas, im a battle shonen fan and I'd totally be willling to do a story with romance and battle shonen elements if you open to that

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I have a story that I finish a few years back that was a romantic drama.

I actually have two or three stories around romance.

Hey there, loved your art and would like to work on a short comic aswell, need romance? You got it lol.
Here is my profile

Hit me up on discord if you are interested
Thanks for the time you took reading this
Edit: now that I read it again... you don't require links to work rather just a clear idea...
1) a school where a club stops romance from happening only to fall for each other
2) a gang that uses love to their advantage, like a mafia but they deal in hearts
If these peak your interest, discord is the gate way for more, if not then thanks again for your time :slight_smile:

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hello i am actully trying to work as a assistant for experience but currently i am doing pen paper art so if you are interested contact me here or on insta - akiotamaru0

1 month later

closed Jan 18, '23

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