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Nov 2024

It’s simple, show your achievements so that everyone can congratulate them! :tada: and it doesn’t matter how long ago you’ve achieved them, you still deserve congrats for achieving them so just post if you want to! 🥳

Okay lol. I love giving people a round of applause.

Here's mine. A year ago this month I became a prize winning author. Today is also my 100th day of digital art

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Couldn't have done it without people like you

This week, I got my 50th subscriber, finished Book 1 of my story, and finished outlining Book 2.

For my next page I finally stopped rendering over sketches and instead I’m using actual line art!!! Now it feels like I’m actually accomplishing stuff when I work on it and I feel like I’m moving so much faster- No more endless fixing and editing funky looking bits. And… 🤫 I might be adding color…
What makes this better is that I decided to start doing this right after a scene change, so the slight style changes will be less jarring.

Just finished my first year of uni (like half an hour ago) :tada::tada::tada::tada:

I just reached 260 subscribers and had my support unlocked! I’m so stoked at how far I’ve come since my first episode! This community has been very kind and supportive. Thank you all so much!!! :two_hearts:

My first goal was to have enough pages ready for the premiere, I got 6 months worth of episodes and working on more

Yesterday got to 25 subs, now I'm aiming for that sweet 100 subs

I achieved making it to 41 episodes of my story WolfTrain recently. The story is very emotional and at the same time, cold. Cold because it is a story, frigid in a dreamlike reflection reminiscent of some aspects of possible realities.
but warm because it is primal to perseverance.
And I realize I feel better than if I'd never tried to make the story. Making art comics that you enjoy is not a waste, and I'm grateful that I'm trying to tell a story.
It's not about it being perfect, I'm achieving imperfection and embracing it, and trying to make it beautiful.

I’ve reach 100 + subscribers
Have been able to upload every Friday
Completed the first arc of my novel
Been in the top 300 of the general novel selection
Have reached the top 10 even reached the top 3 of the fantasy section.

Pretty happy with that

Today I'm at rank 12 in the community novels and 10 in BL!!!!!!!