218 / 218
Jun 2022

Dani eyes the newcomer while chowing down on her burger.

“Hey-!” Anubis turns around, “Ohhhhh, Inariiii! Long time no see~!” He sports a wolfish grin, “Did you stop all your boring work to come see me?”

"Baka. I am always working. Overseeing the growth of my descent is just the job I'm working on now. And seeing as though WE have some history, unless you want it brought to light, I suggest you got your act together."

Danivere decides to just go explore Brussel for the time being. Going inside a shop to buy a hat.

Jack followed Dani, sidestepping the footfalls of all the humans walking around.

"Wait up!" Loki grinned, running up to Dani. "I wanna come too!"
Gunhild and Ingrid tagged along too.
"It's wait for me, not wait up. Do use the queen's English, Loki." Ingrid said in a stuffy 40's way.

"Oh my god! It's the fox lady and the edgelord death river dog dude! Can I take a picture with you guys?!" Hanako gushed, noticing the newcomers.

Danivere looks behind her hearing all the commotion. She doesn't seem to mind and heads inside one of the shops. The shop seems to be a clothing shop with a wide variety of apparel.

Anubis gasps, “Edgelord death river dog dude?!!! I am OFFENDED. But sure, mortal, you can take a picture.” Lunes, on the other hand, has her eyelids drooping and looks fatigued. She glances around to see if there’s any hotels nearby.

Jack followed Dani into the shop. Looking around at the displays, he said, “If there’s one thing other than my sister that I miss about my old life, it’s getting to dress up.”

“Really?” Jack asked, stopping for a moment to groom his whiskers. “Normally I’d say I didn’t believe you, but knowing what happened to me after I passed, and seeing that we’re being accompanied by some of the ancient gods on this little journey of ours…”

He flashed Gunhild a grin… or at least it looked like a cat’s version of a grin. “I suppose I do believe you.”

Lunes shrugs, “Well yeah, I had to wake up at 6 to catch the train and it’s been almost 12 hours.”
Meanwhile, Anubis has taken Hanako’s phone and is taking selfies.

"Lookin' good!" Loki grinned. "I have one like that, but it's made of furbies."

"Really?" Anubis asks as Lunes pushes him towards the group.
"Hey, can you guys just watch over him or something? I'm gonna find a hotel and rest."

1 month later

closed Jun 11, '22

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