176 / 650
Feb 2021

Hey everyone!! :slight_smile: To anyone interested in Fantasy-Action web novel, feel free to check out my work, Dream Hunters!! :grin:

Hi, guys! Read, please, my novel and tell me what you think about it! Please, subscribe! I just need one more to reach the 25 subscribers!!

Noble Socialites, Mobsters, and Body Disposal Meets Magic and Tricorne Hats!

New episodes 3x a week.

I'm at 49 subs, I would love to hit 50! <3

Hey there! After nearly 2 months of Preperation, Season 2 of Regalia Aeterna just started today! Regalia Aeterna is a story of Adventure, Fantasy, War Story and Action. Enjoy! Each Episode comes out every Saturday at 8pm EST/5pm PST

Hello, there! Here's my novel! :slight_smile: It's a bit slow-paced, but I'd be grateful if anyone can check it out! :smiley:

Here's my comic! I'm sad to say it'll go on hiatus for about a month or two after Episode 3 ends, but it's not for a break at all. I plan on getting a lot of work done for the series in that time so I can switch to uploading whole episodes monthly (and maybe even get some prep work done that I neglected before starting the series)

Anyway! I have fun making this series and I hope you have fun reading it!

I don't know if it's ok to put this here because I currently have 4 subs on tapas and 190+ on webtoon :confused:

Here's my Comic. Hope you like it!

Greetings! Here's my comic, my pride and joy! I hope it's to your liking!

Slice of life with gl and a hint of bl, hope you like it (and a touch of fantasy)

Hi. guys, could you read my novel and subscribe?

Not a single sub so far, please do check my work out! <3

No works as of yet from me but here are some that I subscribe to that could use more love:

Hey everyone ^^ here is my comic, it is an action packed fantasy. It is about a boy who gets hunted down by a demon and gets help from an unusual companion.