239 / 650
Mar 2021

I finally posted the first part of my novel today, so I'll share it here thank you!

It sounds interesting. I subbed to it, but it may take me a while to actually get around to reading it. I'm backed up in novels and comics I need to read.

Here's my Fantasy BL I've been working on.

Here my science fiction I'm working on I hope you enjoy it

I'm 11 shy of reaching 100 subs on MAOR :stuck_out_tongue:


I'm just out here trying to reach 25 subs. I am gonna subscribe to you guys! We are all in this together! YEAH!!

My first comic on here, 9 subs and 21 views. if any of you can help i'd appreciate it. plus id like genuine feedback on the story, snarky comments are welcome

Hi, guys! Please, read my novel! If you like it, leave a comment and subscribe!

Here is my passion project that I will be turning into a webcomic within the next year or so while I gain a following for it ^_^

Genre: romance, fantasy, drama

Hey everyone here is my comics that i update every friday.


I hope you will like it

Hello there again! Here's Menmar, which I updated 2 days ago!

I have a dark fantasy novel to share with you guys.
It's called FRONTIER and it centers around a group of adventurers whose fight for survival becomes ever more complicated when they come into contact with a powerful, ancient artifact. They must navigate an uncaring world filled with arcane monsters, warring factions and cosmic horrors beyond imagination in order to keep the artifact out of the wrong hands.

Good day folks.
My main story, Beyond the Void is a high fantasy story inspired by Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen series. It is an epic journey through the ages of an intricate world, following the mysteries and struggles of a wide cast of characters, both human-like and fantastic. And I am happy to say it seems to be going strong :slight_smile:

The other one is a side project I may develop further. Once I feel like it.

My new comic the hawk and ghost doll which is a batman type of deal

My other comic is about a group of dysfunctional demon hunters

I've been absent from Tapas for a few months as one of my novels got picked up by a publisher! Heck! What a wild ride it's been.

So, now that that's all done and sorted, I am back to writing The Silent Swansong here again! Would love to hear people's views on it, as it is my first time writing a first person narrative.

I'm pretty new here, thanks for the offer!
Bits of a book (as you can guess from the title) is a comedy-centered compilation of short stories I've written!

I'm just happy to be here.