1 / 53
Dec 2018

I've always been frustrated with Tapas search so I built one myself. Tapas was kind enough to provide me some data to get started.

Still in beta but check it out~ :heart: let me know if you experience any issues!


Site Status

Current Features:

  • Search filtering
  • Search by tags
  • Pagination
  • Data updates daily at 11a.m. PST

In Progress:

  • Prettification
  • Re-organizing the site (main page probably shouldn't be Writer's camp stats...)

Feature Requests:

  • Comment to make a request!

Update (1/2/19)

I am trying to get this thread more visibility so more people are able to discover the search! I am also communicating with Tapas to see if they might be willing to give this a shoutout on the forums or in an announcement.

In short, if you like this site and/or want it to have more exposure, please help me out by commenting your support below! thank you :heart:

(You can also donate to me on Ko-fi2 or support me with Tapas Ink5, but only if you want to!)

  • created

    Dec '18
  • last reply

    Mar '20
  • 52


  • 5.3k


  • 26


  • 125


  • 7


Frequent Posters

There are 52 replies with an estimated read time of 2 minutes.

I'm not good as a betta tester, but thank you cery much for this! :bow: This is brilliant!

I think the features are really much needed and can save so much time. Not only it can search by tag, but also can sort by episodes numbers, even number of views and subscribers. You can also directly come to the page by clicking the link! :heart:

It's also good as research tool to analyze things :smile: (also to look how much it takes to be the top and how low you are in the bottom :laughing:)

If I can make a suggestion, I'd appreciate sorting by date too

Nothing more to say. That thing is great. The feature I prefer: searching completed works.
(ps, for beta, the search by episode is bugging)

I was able to find my comics by tags, so it worked for me.
It's cool that you've made such a useful thing. :slight_smile: Great work! :+1:

That's awwwwwwesome! Guess I need to start using tags again!

Bless. I'm going to have to play with it a bit more but aaaaaa finally I can search by completed series!

Thank you for making this!

Works perfect from what I can tell! Tags are finally useful!!

I like it! Just right now it can only show a certain number of results, but that's something that can easily be fixed.

@J.Lovelace sorting by the created date?

FYI this is in beta so right now I'm just using fixed data from yesterday (aka if you go update your tags it's not gonna show up).

Tapas was kind enough to provide me w daily updated data, but I have not set things up such that it can automatically update just yet :sweat_smile: Coming soon...

Yeah, created date, I'd appreciate it a lot if you can do that :heart:

Still good job on what you managed to build by yourself. It's impressive, big thumbs up :+1:

When I try to sort the comics by the number of episodes, I've got the HTTP 500 error page.
Thinking about it, I have to say I'm still using Internet Explorer so maybe it works with the others navigators?