2203 / 11273
Mar 2021

Just updated the Comic with the Third part of the First Story of my Anthology.

GENRE: Fantasy, Sci-fi Drama
There are so many people in the World of Gaia, each one of them has a story to tell, of events that changed their life drastically, both for the better, and for the worst...
One start, and Five stories, of the preluding events that mark the beginning of the Story, of "The Golden Garden".

Set in a "Fantasy" world with Sci-fi roots, "Stories from the Golden Garden" is an Graphic Novel anthology that, following the Prologue, will tell 5 short stories about a few individual, all connected together by Destiny, while they celebrate 4 Holidays typical of their world, and also with the Origins of the Main Character, and that will all lead to the main story of "The Golden Garden".

Enjoy your Stay, Have a nice Day!

Greetings! I updated Menmar 2 days ago! Check it out!

Another update!

I have a new series starting today! I hope you all enjoy. It opens at 8:00 PST

I took a two week hiatus from updates (during which I was still working -- just trying to maintain a good buffer) and now I'm back with a color episode!

The September chapter was kind of meandering and just setting the scene/doing some character development (though there are still characters that I'm like "when will I get a chance to let them know you??" but now I'm trying to get down the business and move the plot along a bit more efficiently.

I updated my book four days ago

I updated a few days ago.

Page 08 of Chapter 03 is up and Lyza can sure shoot a one-liner during her fights.

A new episode of capture the flag was released this morning. Come and see for yourself! :smiley:

Uploaded chapter 16 of my comic, Ignis Somnia.
This one was exciting to make.

Super long chapter update