3329 / 11289
Jul 2021

Hey friends
Just updated Oh! Hi Yokai! with new character profiles.
My comic is an LGBTQ+ fantasy dramody about yokai dealing with modern life :slight_smile:
Currently updates every 2 weeks and has 18 episodes to binge <3

Updated my comic recently

And my fanfic today

Issue 3 of my graphic novel is scheduled to launch in 5 hours! Hope you guys check it out :slight_smile:

Page 19 of Chapter 04 and it's as violent as ever before closing down the chapter as the Reptilians are arriving at the church. The evil mistress is on her way, as well.

Check out episode 19 of KIRA: A Star Wars Story, uploaded today!

After checking out KIRA, check out my another webcomic that is based on my podcast, Geeking Around.


hi! i just updated my new comic^^

Episode updated :slight_smile:

Just updated The Middle's next 5 pages, so now pages 6-10 are up!

Just updated today, enjoy!

Just updated today! Coming along great!

Updated today!

Uploaded Chapter VII. a couple of days ago:

just updated