458 / 11280
Jul 2020

Today on the 13th, Maho no Ken episode 13 has arrived. Check it out. Enjoy.

Just update today

New update for my comic Mimsy's Kitchen:

This is part of a storyline so check it out here:


Hello! My name is MadelinePelican and my main series is called "The Prince-ss." This is an idea that came to me in a dream, so please be nice! As with my other story, I will be accepting constructive comments if my grammar is funky and/or questions if something about the plot needs to be talked about in more detail.

I'm new to writing as a whole, though I hope to fall into a schedule this summer. So, I will be posting rather slowly at first. With any luck, I'll be up and running with regular updates before you know it!

Thanks so much for reading! It's an honor to be able to post my work for public review here!

I'll paste the link to my story (as well as the cover art and blurb) below so that y'all can check it out!

The Prince-ss | Tapas2

Samuel Adonis, a prodigy special agent working for Cognition Agent and Spy Enterprise (C.A.S.E.) receives a mission to go undercover as a homeless woman looking for a job in the Kalaecian Palace to gain insider information on the royal family.

With his skills, he quickly becomes the prince's "handmaiden." But, as time passes, and he learns more and more about Prince Jesper's experiences, Samuel realizes that he's not nearly as corrupt as he thought and C.A.S.E. might've been intentionally misleading him.

But is Jesper lying to him about everything to trick him? And what could C.A.S.E.'s real motives be?

A new update
(the next one is mature so be warned)

Recently updated with the craziest character so far :grin:

An Here you are the next episode of Lionheart Family!

Finally the prologue is over and the plot starts! <3

Episode 3 is probably one of the funniest episodes of I once was a demon lord. Check it out.

(Well, you can tell I'm new here. I didn't even know these forums were a thing. XD )*
Hi all, I'm Alex L. Curi and my novel is called Lacuna: A Nexus Troupe Novel. Its an ongoing novel, but because I didn't know I could self-promote its already on chapter 9 with no new readers. Updates every Wednesday.

Please give it a read and let me know what you think.

Genre: Action, Fantasy

Summary: Right when Suri McAllister had decided to live, someone named Phoenix decided that she needed to die. With the help of some powerful beings who call themselves Troupe Members, she now has to fight for her choice. What did she have that was worth being killed for anyway?

Just updated.
This is on schedule for the next few weeks, each Wednesday.