5300 / 11215
Jul 2022


It's time for a new chapter! Princess Stella, her fiancé Adam, Captain Infinite, Atria Silversword, and Atria’s creators are confined to barracks, awaiting news of their fate. And there are two new arrivals, creators who have been arrested and told an impossible story about fictional characters coming to life...

As I said last week, the twists and turns in the narrative have gotten started, and I hope that everybody is enjoying them - please let me know what you think in the comments! And, as always, please like and subscribe!

You've been served,

Also on Webtoon!

I have two new chaptters for Acealea: The Goddess of Love. I decided to call the lastest chapter "May I Speak To The Manager?" as shutout to all the Karens in the world that are rude to minimum wage workers..