8610 / 11214
Feb 2024

This Story is journey of her love stories to finally reunite with the one it meant to. But will she?

"You know," She began, her voice a gentle whisper that mingled with the rustling leaves, "you are my favorite fantasy."

His gaze intensified, a mixture of surprise and longing crossing his features. His internal struggle played out on his face. He wanted to pull her closer, to express his love through the language of touch. Yet, a part of him held back, cherishing the delicate dance of anticipation.

"You're like a dream I never want to end," She continued.

Today is a great day to Re-start Reading The New Arcanists!
The series is undergoing a Re-mix (soft reboot) and the first new chapter is available now!


Not always a Red Way, but always the Red Way! At just 16, Tyler Red Way must grapple with the responsibility of maturing and becoming the leader of the most powerful mage family: The Scarlet Arcanist. Alongside his brother Hyan and friends Jake and Amelia, they embark on a challenging journey of growth where allies and enemies are never certain!!

"Bargain Hunter, Bargain Hunted" page 12

Also on Webtoon!

New episode out for The Adventures of Zovhara Ashfrost! (A bit late on the announcement because the art was not ready)

The Silent Ripper: https://tapas.io/episode/3093949

The bartender eyed him again, then reluctantly said, ‘You sound like a good man, ay. You don’t sound like you’re looking for trouble. Few around town know about the Silent Ripper. Word is that if any come looking for him, they’re to be shown the door. It’s been a while now, but those hunting him are usually…,’ he paused to lean in, but it looked like he needed a break to shake off a sour memory. ‘...Usually mercenaries — assassins from the Duskwatch. They come crawling down from Asenya, ay. Mighty grim they are. You can recognise one from afar. The way they dress… and speak…’ The innkeeper shivered, his expression quaint, and his eyes wide. ‘Look... the man you’re looking for takes his drinks upstairs. He’s a regular. Should be in within the hour. Tall, big-bellied, half-Poban, half-Mechanov. You can’t mistake him for anyone else.’

Hello Everyone,

I'm CON artist and I just updated my light novel series, Lengthy Random RPGs: Grand Adventure Quests on A Whole 'Nother Level. If you're into fantasy, comedy, and action than maybe this is the series for you!

Here's the latest chapter, Chapter 47: The Puzzling Complex: https://tapas.io/episode/3098905 Check it out if you want!

Or if you want to start from the beginning you can read the very first chapter, Reading This Fills You With Determination right here: https://tapas.io/episode/2733381

For anyone new to this series here's the synopsis. Sword Fighter has had it with RPGs and all video games. He has lost everything in his latest play of Lengthy Random RPGs, the most popular RPG that's come out in years. He is about to log out of the game once and for all, until he his presented with an opportunity to meet an old friend once again in-game. But to do that he'll have to level up and do something that he's always dreaded: form a party. Will he ever see his friend again? Can he finally succeed in forming a party? More importantly, will he ever finish the game?

And without further ado, I present the series cover:

Just updated today!

I'm very excited about this episode. We're getting into some fun new things you can do with magic (the terrible consequences will come later! That's my favorite part. Waiting for the terrible consequences to come down like a hammer!).

Genre: BL/fantasy

What happens when a royal malcontent tries to teach allegedly hereditary magic to regular people to empower a peasant revolt? Set in a Slavic-inspired fantasy world where the ruling class draws magical powers from the dead.