1461 / 11280
Dec 2020

Lyza's Sandstorm is back with a new cover and this chapter is called "Threatening Shadows Over a Small Town"!!!!

A new episode is out! :sunny:

Finally getting my webnovel-only novel here on tapas!

Updated just this morning

"A Whole Different Life Book III" Part 2 of Chapter 7 is out now! ^-^

::More information::
Eos, a girl who passed away in a tragic car accident before waking up in a new world called Balerion all while in the service of a Guardian (Balerion's form of a deity). All her life, she thought fantasy was as good as it could get! No rules, sleeping underneath the stars while there are countless adventures but, as with all things, reality proves to put a harsh stop to her ideals and force her to look upon the true world that she's reincarnated into.

She wanted an escape from Earth, she's got it but...sooner or later if things continue to go on the way they have been for the last 50 years. She may have just walked into a reality not too different from her old one.

Feel free to check it out!

I Recommend this one. Check it out! The art textture is like straight from a canvas. And I like Lyza, she’s a badass!

Just updated :sparkles:

WOW this is a huge thread. I'll have to comb back through it a bit and see what I can find. I just started posting at the tail end of November. It's my first work on Tapas.

Genre: YA
Subgenre: Romance/LGBT
Summary: Out and proud bisexual gal and kick-ass programmer-- Alberta never thought it would be a problem to date a guy. Until she does. Michael is smart, funny, cute as hell, and over the moon for her. But when they start dating, Alberta faces prejudice from within her tight-knit LGBT community.

Just updated my story! After almost 2 months of delay :sweat:

I've just concluded chapter 1 also. Hope you all enjoy it!

I'm almost done to posting the entire STEEL RAINING1 archive here on Tapas. More than 50 pages of stories for you to enjoy. This is the latest and new updates come every Wednesday.

The new episode is out! I will share the link below!
Episode link: https://tapas.io/episode/19746891

Or if you're looking for a new novel:

A big thanks to everyone who is reading, liking, and subscribing! We're almost at 40 subscribers!

Capture the flag just got a new episode this morning. Take a look for yourself! :smiley:

Episode 5 is out. Check it out if you'd like.:smiley:

Hey! I'm totally new here. Been updating my story like crazy these past two days, but now I'm gonna "slow down" to one update per day. Anycase, episode 7 out now:

Today, I have been publishing my story for a week.

English version

French version

Updated mine today! :smile:

Updated like an hour ago :slight_smile:

I just published the 10th episode.

My latest chapter is up ^^

The latest page of LOSTLAND Chapter 2 is up! If you're new to this wild, supernatural tale of post-apocalyptia, definitely catch this tale from the beginning!

LOSTLAND is a supernatural, post-apoc adventure story following the tales of four travelers and the little twists of fate that bind them both to eachother, and to one man's grand design for this new world. Prepare for crazy humor, intense action, and a touch of mystery, all rolled into a world that changes all who travel through it.

Newest Updates

FINALLY!!!! The first page is up for Chapter 02 and boy, did this page take some time. Hope, you like it.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

I only do two pages at a time, and I just finished these two. I'm approaching the end of the 10th chapter, which might not seem like much. But each chapter is 50-75ish pages, so it's a lot of story regardless.

Hello guys! I'm already at 66 subscribers. I'm getting close to 100. Please help me to reach 100 by subscribing to my comic series. I will Subscribe back I promise. As a co-creator, I know that you know the struggle of getting subscribers, so i hope you'd understand. Let's help each other.