Just gonna take a second here to once again sing Unsplash's praises5. Unsplash is stock photography that doesn't look stocky and posed like a lot does. It's all free to use and edit (the love of god guys, please check whether photos you edit into your covers are allowed to be edited or you can get in trouble) without a fee, even in commercial use (again check this because if you get ad rev and it's not ok for commercial use you can get in trouble), with no credit required (although greatly appreciated).
But how many people would read it? In my experience, my books do not get the readership that leads to income. I am on my seventh novel in three years and by now I am disillusioned about producing anything commercially viable based on cold, hard facts. I will always be a niche writer, so Pixabay and Canva's drop on thinggies it is for me.
At least on Wattpad people made covers in exchange for critiquing.
To be honest, I actually never judge a novel through its cover. I read everything I can and I love reading the summary first. The summary is the thing which helps me to decide whether i should read a novel or not, not the cover. Just need a basic picture you can take out of daily life and put it with a nice and artistic word font. That is enough
There's nothing stopping you giving that a go here. Look at threads on here that just go "plz draw my character" and get it. And people are desperate for reviews around here. If you made a thread saying "I will review your comic/novel if you make me a cover/draw my character" well the worst that'll happen is no one will do it and really what will you have lost? Nothing. You'll be no worse off than you are now.
Hence why a lot of people's advice when it comes to creative pursuits like comics and novels is to create for yourself first and foremost. Because making something commercially viable is a monumental task, and a gamble. Even if something looks like it can work on paper, life is unpredictable and it can turn out to be a flop.
Like all of my work comes out of my love and passion for each story. Sure, any money I can get from it is nice, but even if I never saw a cent, I love my characters! I don't mind dropping like $50 to get an awesome drawing of them. (my ipad's lockscreen and background for example are images that I commissioned from an artist 2 separate times. I just love their style and how they depicted my characters.)
Well if you are putting abs on the cover and saying you're still not getting those reads, maybe common wisdom is wrong and abs on a cover is not what you need. Is there abs on a god forsaken 50 shades of grey cover? No it's not.
No one is saying it's not something that attracts readers though, just saying there are other ways too.
I kindda just don't feel that way, I suppose? I like the lovely drawings, but I don't really need my characters drawn? I imagine them as my favorite figure-skaters for the most part or not at all and it doesn't bother me that they have no specific appearances. I am all about the text, the inner workings and the adventure. But, obviously, I want to be read, so covers is a must.
Yeah, the covers are my nightmares.
It is nice to see. Not that I want to encourage people going after people because they used an image that wasn’t theirs. It’s really hard as a writer, and although I am in no ways encouraging people to steal art, I know what it’s like to be i that headspace where are very popular stolen content that’s loved and trying to play by the rules when others aren’t. It’s why the very few times I’ve caught people using my art I ask them nicely to take it down.
Something I didn't notice (mainly since I'm guilty of not looking before) but the novels section on Tapas show the covers and the description at the side so even if a cover isn't what immediately grabs a reader there's still the opportunity to have an interesting blurb, no?
Like with all this I'm near tempted to just offer basic covers (photo editing) in exchange for like ink or shoutouts or some ko-fi.
Thinking even more I wonder if people consider bookstores and libraries where all a person has to go on is the appearance of a books spine if they're quickly browsing. The covers is only the addition to that and then what's got the main juice or fuel or whatever would be the back cover which gives the blurb
I think I get this because I’m my mind there are way more users on Wattpad, so if half of Wattpad migrated to tapas, suddenly the original tapas group would be almost a fraction on the site. Not to say its likely to happen, possibly not? But with tapas being as popular as they are (and honestly I like it WAY better than Wattpad in the way it present itself and supports its creators) I could definitely see more people switching given enough time.