At this thread I announced a competitions for Tapas veterans comics makers. After this, I received a lot of submissions - 36.
- The first stage of evaluation was a preliminary selection by a jury. We read and evaluated all submitted entries, and choose top 5 comics, which passed to the next stage.
- Now it's time for a second stage: open community voting among top-5 comics, picked by a jury!
Votes are public.
If you want to vote, then, please, read at least a part from each comics from the list and try to decide, which one will win the prize, thoughtfully. 
Brief info about jury's work
Besides me, jury consisted from those nice people: @Azifri , @BlueDragon , @writercynknapp , @jensrichard77 , @Rhonder , @skicoak , @TAMAnnoying .
Jury evaluated every comics by the following parameters:
- THE LEVEL OF INVESTMENT INTO DETAILS AND POLISHING ART (includes quality of shading, line art, backgrounds)
- USING OF COMICS FORMAT (paneling/use of the page/space)
and summarized the results in one final mark for each comics. Top-5 comics with the highest marks passed to the second stage.
A note:
I know, that the marks and process are arguable. But we had to come up with something more-or-less objective, and this is what we came up with. Also take into account, that for me, as an organizer, it was the first experience in organizing any competition; for some jury members this all was very new, too. We did really large amount of work for free to evaluate all these comics, to the best of our ability.
Why preliminary selection was needed?
Because there were a lot of entries, and it was obvious, that average forum reader will not be able to take a look on every comics from such a big list. That's why I called for those people, who were prepared to read a big amount of comics, they became a jury members and made all that big preliminary work, to narrow the amount of candidates.
However, I think, that it's realistic for average forum member to check ( not necessary read entirely, but, at least, take a look at ) 5 comics instead of 36, that's why top-5 were put into the open voting.
Info for all participants (i.e. for all people, who submitted their comics to the competition):
I want everyone to extract something useful from this competition, even if you didn't pass for the second stage. So, everyone who submitted their comics, can ask for:
- a small feedback /critique (text, consisting from 3-4 paragraphs from each jury member, who read the comics);
- their marks (numbers) for each parameter.
So if you want, you can learn something from it. Just PM me or other jury members to make such a request.
UPD: I think, 2 weeks will be enough for everyone who wanted to vote, so, poll will be closed 13 February. And in Valentine's day we'll know a winner!