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Jan 2020

I respect people, who've already had a long journey with their comics, and still continue to do it, even if they don't have too many subs. Thus, I decided to make a contest for all underestimated (but still impassioned!) veterans of Tapas.
Submissions are open for the next two weeks (until 19 January).

Requirements for submissions

  1. Your comics is hosted on Tapas (It may have mirrors on other hosting as well, but we will evaluate and award Tapas version)

  2. a) It's first issue (on Tapas) is dated by 2018 year or earlier.
    b) It has 5 or more issues.
    c) The last issue is made not earlier than 3 months ago (i.e. relatively not long ago).

  3. a) It has at least 1 (one) subscriber, 1 like and 1 comment ( or more ).
    b) In the same time it has less than 1000 (one thousand) subscribers.

  4. (UPD): Comics should be written in English.

Justification of chosen requirements
  1. It is for everyone's convenience and unification. Besides, default method of awarding is Tapas Ink. (other methods for people who don't have support button will be considered later).
  2. It means that you are passionate enough to:
    a) Draw and upload it here for 1 year or more;
    b) Update it consequently for long enough;
    c) Not abandon it.
  3. a) It means that someone really reads it and reacts on it (of course, likes/comments from your own (creator's) account don't count).
    b) Because I want to encourage small creators at the first place.
  4. All members of jury should be able to read and understand it.

Besides, you should have a google account (it's needed for avoiding problems with spam and multiple submissions).

Submission form

Additional notes

  • The first round will be an elimination round. According to my plan, jury will choose which comics will pass to the next round (not more than 10).
  • Volunteers for jury are required. If you want to be a volunteer, please, PM me. After submission end, jury will discuss criteria for voting (because I dunno and I need a help with it).
  • You can submit your comics AND be a part of jury in the same time (why not?). But you'll not be able to vote for your own comics. :joy:
  • Jury members will gain encouraging prize of 1000 (one thousand) Ink per person. (but not more than 100 persons)
  • Posting the information of this comics on your Tapas page or everywhere else is strongly encouraged!

P.S. I'm organizing such a competition for the first time in my life. Thus, I have no idea how to do it, how will it go, and there is no guarantees that it will work well.
P.P.S. Please, DON'T post links to your comics in comments to this post. It's NOT the promotion thread! ALL posts with links will be flagged.

  • created

    Jan '20
  • last reply

    Jan '20
  • 57


  • 5.7k


  • 29


  • 112


  • 7


Frequent Posters

There are 57 replies with an estimated read time of 3 minutes.

Sounds like fun. I would be interested in volunteering for jury duty!

I think it's extremely admirable that you're giving it a go.

I'm sure there will be hiccups and such, that's the universal nature of all things but I am hopeful that it will be a grand time for all!

Threw my comic in since it meets the criteria, although I'm also interested in helping out on the Jury :slight_smile: sounds like a fun excuse to review a lot of comics :raised_hands: PM to follow.

Ouch. I didn't think that so many people will apply to join jury in just a one hour. :sweat_smile:

Nice <33 I can't compromise to judge (I'll be busy and I better not make any promises I can't keep ahdkkg) nor participate (my comic is a young one for now), but I'll be keeping an eye for how things go :smiley:

Thanks for organising such cool stuff for the community <3

This is so cool! Thank you for organizing this, I just submitted my comic :smiley:

I'd like to volunteer too if you still need people.

Well we entered. May as well.

Normally i'd offer but it's baby project time with my students.

Wow this is excellent. I want to help out too.
Also? Can you submit more than one comic?

But I wanna submit a friend?
Ih well. I send him the link. It is up to him then

Welp, only thing I got going for my comic is how long it's been running. I'll give it a shot!

Why these people can't nominate themselves? Just show them this topic.

I just want to clarify if "earlier" meant series that started from 2018 onwards can enter or did it mean series that started before 2019?

Lol i'm out :joy:
My series did start in 2018 but i uploaded on Tapas in 2019.
Ah well! Good luck!