6 / 9
Jan 2022

Hello, friends! I’m thinking of uploading my comic on Webtoon. How often should I update on Webtoon? And how many pages should there be?

Please give me a tip! :]

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    Jan '22
  • last reply

    Feb '22
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You know, I asked that same question on Reddit because I wanted to know when is the best time to post and so far no one knows the answer in when to post for webtoon is the best time... But what I HAVE gathered is to upload regularly but realistically confrontable to your schedule as long it's consistent. As for me, I post on tapas and webtoon on the same days... So far weekly but that's because I am testing the waters to see which are the hours and days are the best to upload. I really think it all depends on the content that your releasing and your schedule.

If you are interested in my work come and check it. Really appreciate it.

I heard from many people to upload preferably at least monthly.

It really depends on your schedule and how much you can get done. I've seen weekly comic being typically 10-20 panels (2-4 pages), and longer monthly comic both being successful.

The important thing is keep your upload consistent.

Something I would not do is break up your weekly comic into two shorter parts so that you can upload twice a week and get more clicks. I did a survey on webtoon discords and some people find it a turn off.

In your opinion, how many pages is a good upload? I don’t want them too short; but not way too long either. OsO

'Pages' is the wrong way to think about Webtoon. If you're hoping to be successful there, you want to think in 'episodes'.

  • How many panels does it take you to convey a story beat?
  • How long does that take you to draw?
  • Is it possible to split that story beat into smaller yet still satisfying segments?

Those should be the determining factors for how often you upload on Webtoon.

My episodes are typically between 18 to 28 panels, depending on much complexity I need to tell a small chunk of my story. I uploaded once every 2 weeks in 2021, and it will be once every 3 weeks for a while this year, as I keep having other comic industry work heaped on me.

Another thing with Webtoon which is important to keep in mind is that the overwhelming majority of readers read on their phones. As such, the page format is deeply unpopular there. You may still find some readers - but if you want to be successful on Webtoon, you must reformat your episodes to the vertical scrolling format. Take it from someone who tried page format, and only started seeing success after reformatting for scroll.

Yep I agree with this! I find myself bored with creators who upload their episodes way too long and I just spaced out reading them. Don’t want the same happened to me and my work. :sob:

Most professionally featured action/mystery genre stories have to be 40 panels per week, but from what I've seen, unfeatured comics range anywhere between 15-30 panels per post, or 3-5 page. Mine are about 20-25.

1 month later

closed Feb 16, '22

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