61 / 1276
Feb 2020

I started watching No Guns Life. It's pretty neat dystopian cyberpunk noire kind of stuff. Reminds me of Battle Angel Alita and Appleseed and other 80s series.

hell yeah! its one of my faves! just below one punch man season 1 (cause s2 sucks lol)

I still have to watch season two of one punch man, i did watch the first one though.
I also heard the rumors about the second season but never really looked into it :sweat_02:

oh sorry dude, didnt mean ti spoil it for you

well its not really bad its just doesnt have the same quality as the 1st season

Yeah i read that on the internet haha, though i still am unaware what happens in s2 so i can still go into it spoiler free.
Also it seems s3 of the Seven Deadly Sins also suffers from animation, though in this case it's just bad xD

damn! what is happening to anime?

only MHA and one piece seem to have great quality each season lol

Well in this case SDS was outsourced to a small studio or so i've heard. Shame too, since i was looking forward to this season, especially a very certain fight in the manga.

Yesss! I'm also rewatching Kill la Kill (and making my husband watch it for the first time)!
After the disappointment that was Evangelion, we wanted to watch something that was satisfying. xD

lols better concentrate on that episode for anything youve missed lols