31 / 65
Sep 2017

MUSIC CUE: Predator Soundtrack - Grim Discovery

The MERCENARIES are stalking through the jungle.

DUTCH: "What's got Billy so spooked?"

BILLY: "There's something out there waiting for us."

CUT TO: The PREDATOR decloaks out of sight of the team, but in sight of the audience.

PREDATOR: "Is it that time of the month again? Are you tired of pink and floral print?"

DUTCH (O.S.): "If it bleeds . . . we can kill it."

The PREDATOR holds up a medical-grade silicone cup with one clawed hand.

PREDATOR: "Introducing Yautja-brand menstrual cups. They won't slip out when you're running through the jungle. They won't slosh around when you're trying to hide from the enemy."

DUTCH (O.S.) : "Pretty high-tech shit for some half-arsed mountain boys."

PREDATOR: "Available from quality online stores."

CUT TO: The MERCENARIES are still stalking through the jungle.

BLAIN: "I ain't got time to bleed."

I want to be considered an author.
I want to create books or/and comics that can be bought in book stores. I would also love to have a following so I could go to conventions and do signings. Though mostly I just want people to enjoy my writing.

I would also love to get to the point where I can work part time or just do my writing for my career but yeah ... at this point I just want to get my writing out there.

Hmm... I'm determined to grow up and see where life takes me, because what you want and what life has in store for you can sometimes differ! :smiley:

That said, I hope to continue being an illustrator/children's writer and eventually become a seasoned comicker!

Today, I'm determined to be a blacksmith. For real...comics don't put food on the table for me yet. Anyone want some metal? here's joe making a screwdriver, as blacksmith junior I get to forge some blanks for his magic hammer to turn into cool stuff!

What is this event you speak of?

As for the way things work, yeah, I'm tired of it too. I'm trying to correct things and get myself back on track.

We'll get there =)

I'm determined to continue writing stories forever.

Because fuck death.

I'm not really determined to "be" anything tho.

But right now right now, I'm determined to stop eating these Funyuns and do the dishes.

I'm really determined to be an author. Like, you know, a New York Times bestseller author, like Gaiman or Riordan.
I'm also determined to be a videogame designer. I've always had a few ideas brewing in my head about these things, and I want to see them come to life, even though in the form of highly-rendered pixels.
More importantly, I want to finish everything I've started.

I have the same goal, so don't give up! The road is long and hard one, but if we stay determined and fight, we can do it. I wish you the best on this venture =)

I'm going to be a mangaka :smiley: 私は漫画家になるつもりです。

I've been thinking a lot about this lately. For most of highschool, I thought that realism was the best way to go about making goals. This summer though, as I was preparing for my first year of college, I did a lot of rethinking about the kind of artist/person I wanted to be. I've noticed that a lot of people get pigeonholed and boxed into a lane that becomes hard to escape after a while, like when people find something that works so that's all they continue to do. I decided that I wouldn't confine myself to one thing if I have desires to make all sorts of art in all kinds of mediums. And while I'm making a comic now, I shouldn't let that stop me from going in a whole other direction when I'm finished with it. So I guess I don't know any specifics of what I want to be for my career, but I am determined to be the kind of person who stays true to what I want and doesn't buy into the expectations to follow what I've done before.

Speaking to the point of getting discouraged, it's easy to forget why we make stuff when we feel inadequate. It's of great importance to remember what drove us to art in the first place, like the joy of raw creation, or the fun of finishing a piece. I strongly believe that if we move our focus from growing our comics' audience to creating work that we love and truly have fun making, we'll get there.


That's wise to stay true to yourself, and I agree that many people lose their way as they get older in life. Speaking from experience, that was me at one point, so I'm glad to hear that you don't want that for yourself.

As for discouragement, it's very true we get caught up in reads and likes. We need to just love our craft and not worry about the stats.

There are so many things I'd like to do. Really, I'd love to get my stories read by as many people as I can, and have it mean something to them. I want to finish what I start, and create an entire world out of multiple comics and stories set over a period of many years. Someday, I'd love to get something published properly, and make a living from my art/writing, although I'm not sure how feasible that is. It's good to have dreams, even if it can be disheartening when things don't go as well as you'd like.