60 / 91
May 2024
13 days later
11 days later

Dominic doesn't have much appetite for snacking since he usually eats pretty heavy (and delicious) meals that either he or his little sister make. They legit cook well enough to run a cooking vlog. Like halloumi wraps with shredded lettuce and tzatziki for breakfast, lamb potpie for dinner good cooks. He does occasionally eat potato chips though. He likes Ketlle brand "Salt and vinegar" and "Honey Dijon chips."

His little sister, Cocoa, loves Terra chips. Sweet potato, "Spiced Sweets" and "Exotic Harvest." SHe also likes dark chocolate. She enjoys eat squares of bar chocolate with salted buttered popcorn.

What are your OCs favorite snacks?

Ozwald´s favorites are gummies in different flavors but he prefers sugary fruit flavors, raspberry cheesecake, I think he would also be into sour cream and onion potato chips, he also sometimes steals Higen granola cookies but to his credit, he replenishes them often; For Higen he prefers more healthy snacks, such as his granola cookies, dried apple slices, beef jerky and sunflower seeds.

Scarlet likes poutine but it makes her sick pretty quickly. Tiff mostly only has experience with American Indian food, but she likes samosas with tamarind sauce she'll get at Indian Buffets and Kheer, though she is aware most buffets aren't very traditional and her mother will probably be horrified to know she frequents them.

moon themed soda? like the packaging is moon themed?

Yep! Slogan says its suppose to be out of this world or something like that. The flavor is suppose to be Asteroid, but Eli says its just a sweeter grape to him.

10 days later

Honey unironically likes honey flavored snacks, like honey dijon chips, honey glazed chicken wings, and soft rolls with honey butter on them. (do not try to tell her that rolls and chicken wings are not snacks)'

Shaun likes donuts, though she's trying to eat them less, and cinnabons. She tends to snack on desserts, like a spoonful or two of cake etc.

My OC Captain Gunk loves all food. Hes as in love with food as I am. No food is safe when me or Captain Gunk are near.

Callis sensitive taste buds can't take any strong flavors. He likes unseasoned jerky and grain tea.

Novus has more of a sweet tooth, so he enjoys Dulratis Sap Candies, drinking sweetened Noxaeter and beaten Acrilla egg whites with Nixcinus berry jam.

is this like meringues? or pavlova?

19 days later
12 days later

Texas likes cinnamon sugar flavored things like churros and soft pretzels. She also likes blue foods, even though they don't taste like much, like blue raspberry shaved ice and blue jello. also blueberries. Chili likes corn chips and salsa, corn chips and chili. Corn chips and cheese. he just really likes corn chips and savory snacks.

10 days later

Oddly enough, Mora's favorite snack is straight cucumber slices with salad dressing. She also likes blueberry hand pies, but those don't really count as a snack.

Christopher's favorite snack are these cheesy puff pastries his mother makes called gougeres.