I've done a lot of those! We must all think alike.
I learned this technique once where you write down a bunch of words that come to mind. You don't censor them, you just write them down. Once you have between 3 and 5 words, you start mining your subconscious by asking it questions. And you answer with yes, no, or maybe. Until your ideas start flowing.
So let's say one word was winter. Yes your subconscious, is it about snow? No. Is it about the color white? Yes. Then you start asking yourself what you associate with white or something like that. Lace? Maybe (meaning yes, but not quite). Dresses? Maybe. Then you go and tell you hit like wedding dress. Yes. Yay! Any more for this? Nope. Move to the next word.
I've had some awesome things come out of this exercise... And I've had some horrible things come out of this exercise. Fortunately, as a writers, we can choose what we actually use.