31 / 51
Oct 2024

Thanks friend :pray: the 3d is a mixture of blender and daz software, studied 3d formally so guess that gave me a boost too, at one point i was gonna make it 2d but ended up sticking with the 3d to keep it feeling like a game :video_game:
Lol don't worry can always use this as a cheat sheet for your rhyming XD :point_right:https://www.rhymezone.com/
Here's Neon speaking of, he's a lil' fan of another character (Crimson panda) toy n t-shirt, so a 2in 1 XD

@BreeBaxter awesome masterpiece and summoning ghost demons with fluffernutter, vybes for sure! :peace: :art:

I have three protagonists, which I have drawn as part of some promotional material. The one in green is Angel Santiago, the one in red is Ren Yoshimaru, and the one in blue is Marcy Fraser (who has yet to appear).

Jamie and Lino from my ongoing comic look like :arrow_double_down:

And my mains from my new project look like :arrow_double_down:

It's a collection of short stories so not every chapter has the same character. So, ill post a few;

The Young Lady from chapter 5, Frost:

Marlo from chapter 2, A Mother's Love

Clarabelle from chapter 4, Self Rejection. Just not in her silly circus outfit.

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Kaysi is at times a caring sweetheart, to a damsel in destress, to a bad@$$!