20 / 30
May 2019

I kinda did it once before so I like to think I can do it again.

My arm got hurt pretty bad in a car crash when I was a kid, so basically had to retrain that muscle memory, it was a really frustrating feeling knowing that I could do something but NOT being able to do it.

Though my skills levels were not as high then as they are now because I was still a kid and learning I think it was still a pretty huge blow to my progress, as a lot of it was try drawing, get frustrated and quit for a year, trying drawing again cause I miss drawing, get frustrated and quit for a year, repeat process until I was at a level that didn't make me cry or destroy things in anger because it couldn't touch the quality of what I was able to do before.

I don't think I would draw a comic though, it's just a little bit too much skills sets you need for that that I would have to relearn, and I have arthritis now so I'm SUPPOSED to be working on comics a lot less than I do right now anyway. I'd probably just work towards being able to do stand alone illustrations of things I want to draw or just suddenly get the urge to illustrate, if I did go back to working I would probably put myself in a less demanding art field if anything.

I mean... that's my logical scenario anyway, in reality I would probably be like Miyazaki, retire, come back from retirement to makes this 1 last thing, retire, come back from retirement to make 1 last thing, retire, come back for this 1 thing this will be the last time for sure, retire, come back-

if I couldn't do art or music i'd just go into science or math cause that was fun for me or find something else to gain skills in. And not being able to draw means I get more free time and can play videogames or watch movies which I procrastinate on cause all I do for fun is draw. I'm not the type to be like "ART IS MY LIFFEEE IF I CAN'T ART I'LL DIEEE", I think i'd be more gravely disappointed but know I can find fun in anything else.

If my comics were taken away from me, I'd get into game design & programming! I have Blender & Godot! Just haven't really learned much about it yet!

Yep! And quite frankly, I feel now that I'm older, I have a better sense of what I want.

I would still have my imagination, and that's been the biggest driving force behind my work. So learning how to draw and write again wouldn't be that hard (at least for me).

Plus, it's not like this question implies my existing works are gone. So that as well would be a driving motivation:

"I learned how to do it once. I can learn again".

I would still draw. I view the situation as a challenge, just like other obstacles in life. I've had things taken away from me that I had to work to regain or even get more of over time.

Sometimes going back to the basics in things can help a person go further than they were before, because they missed a step. Sometimes I had to go back to the basics to deal with maintenance problems, drawing, working out, studying the Bible, and basic communication skills.

I don't have any skills, so yep. I'd continue drawing.

Well it's questionable if I had any skills to begin with