20 / 39
Jul 2024
20 days later

For Texas, it was probably moving out of her parents' house. Fortunately, she didn't have to live alone, since she's roommates with her best friend, but it's still certainly daunting to leave behind everything you're used to

Ah well, in Gray familiar, Lian would [redacted] and then Ogda, oh boy, Ogda, now that's an animal who would [redacted in my Minecraft Christian server!]

21 days later

Mora left her grandmother's house to escape through the woods to a neighbors house when she was seven. she had no idea WHAT was wrong, but she followed her grandmother's instructions, and hasn't seen her since.

In French Cup, after French Cup is bombed, Gyeong-Wan picks up a piece of the bomb in his shock. He's trying to figure out what it is. His best friend and crush, Kazuya, shouts at him to put it down. Later on in Kazuya's narrative, he explains that he was terrified that the bomb could further explode, as something inside of it was still clearly letting off new smoke and a lot of it. Part of his trauma is that he could have lost the man he loves, even after surviving the initial blast.

19 days later
21 days later

Judith has endured a lot of scary things, but excepting her position as Mora's guardian, and her job working in at Rookery might be the scariest. It meant giving up everything she's ever known, and a child's literal life has rested in her hands since she was 18 years old. Pretty daunting for anyone, but especially when you're that young

I think the scariest moment I've written is when Magnus makes Fear spontaneously combust for breaking into the palace on Amanara as punishment. He makes Anger watch him be killed, and Anger just cries like a baby because he saw Fear as a little brother.

Magnus scares me :rofl:

Yes, there's Anger, Fear, Misery, and Joy. They are a group of men called The Masked Wraiths who wear masks that represent the emotions they're named after. They have a really sad backstory if you wanna know more :heart:

Though, they don't get introduced until about the mid-40s :joy:

The scariest thing Dallas has ever done was probably when he rushed Harper to the hospital. He was scared and he's never scared.

Some spoilers for my novels.

For Empyreal Calamities:

Ilys has done a few scary things and everyone is becoming a little scared for (and of) her. She slaughtered an entire bandit camp by accident after hearing their plans for her siblings who'd been captured. Her magic went haywire, to put it mildly.

Dolion has also had some scary moments too. One involves him seemingly being killed by Sal (his and Ilys' older brother), but he's somehow still alive despite his neck being snapped...

For The Weak Dwarven Prince:

In the first arc, when the characters are kids, Ignacia is about to be thrown off a cliff by an assassin and uses levitation magic in a last-ditch attempt to keep him from killing her friends...but she hasn't mastered that kind of magic yet. Here's her line from that scene...

“Sorry…I don’t know levitation magic well enough to make a whole person float.”

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