68 / 84
Apr 2020

My main character (an assassin) is fighting against another assassin but while dancing! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Okay, guess i'll be that guy and say that to some it's a matter of what the characters are fighting FOR, not against.

That's not the case with me though. My project is still a work in progress - a jumble of thumbnail sketches that sometimes serve to intimidate more than inspire :^)
But i take my time, since the central theme of it is putting the surgical scalpel to the psychological viscera and instead, taking a look at WHY those ultraviolent lunatics decided to start beating the crap out of eachother in the city streets. Requires some brain racking and a nuanced approach to pull off without devolving into pretentious moralizing or getting too caught up in the characters themselves and turning it into an empathy-yanking sob-story.

9 days later

The main Angel characters in my novel’s main enemy is literally God.

However the main human characters in the manga is demons, but the main demon characters ? God.


She wants to live. And if that means driving humanity down and trample it underfoot, she shall do it. As simple as that.

But to live, you need power.

Currently, the main thematic goal of the characters in one series I have planned is to "let go." Of past sins, recent mistakes, what they cannot control, and stuff like that, so I suppose I could categorize it as man versus self first.

I do want to say that my MC, Ira, is technically fighting against her paramour due to the circumstances they are in, but she has a lot of demons and feelings she is trying to figure out. Her paramour (the other MC), is going through much the same, even though his catalyst is Ira and he's trying to fight against her.

It's a complicated relationship.

Mmm my main characters are not really fighting anyone or something... maybe their own individual ideas? I mean they are trapped inside a magical book and one of them wants to go out while the other one doesn't xD they just think different.

lol surprisingly none, he's fighting humans and monsters

1 month later

My main character is fighting against a scandal, stalker fans, and her conflicted feelings. :joy:

Currently it's mainly person vs severe bodily injuries, but eventually I think it would be a person against their flaws.

Definitely man vs Society and something Unknown! In that...particular order. Because what begins the whole vs Society actually leads to fighting against the Unknown XD

The first major arch of my comic TLC is 'man VS the unknown'/man VS man', later archs focus more heavily on 'man VS self'

Heres a link to the comic thif that sort of stuff interests you!

Working on it, but I gave the closest answer with unknown/ extraterrestrial. In my story, modern Japan faces off against yokais. There's a history of how they came to be, but the main point is that they've been evolving as the years went on. So, while Japan has the tales of everything involved, people never exactly know them at their current state at all times. Technically, it'd be man vs. spirits though

Since there are two main characters in my comic, the closest thing they're fighting against is society I guess. I wish there was an option for man vs parents or something! :laughing:

Is mainly Man vs Society.

My main character (Tyrell) is working to take down cooperation however, he is also dealing with other issues that I can't talk about yet since they will be major spoilers.

An army of fire, earth and frost giants, a gaggle of trolls and a hypnotising river spirit.

My webcomic strips don't have an ongoing plot, but they deal with ongoing themes like challenges and idiosyncrasies. Both main characters fight against themselves and society.