1 / 39
Nov 2024

Chili loves chili, obviously. Texas is a fan of crepes with blueberries, blueberries and vanilla ice cream (don't tell her that's not a meal.) She just generally likes blueberries. Sometimes she caramelizes bacon in blueberry jam and rosemary, though she tries to avoid eating bacon often because she's "vegetarian."

By the way...my comic has officially debuted! Finally!

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Akala likes human souls...

Claudita likes sun or nature energy

And my human OCs that have normal food...

Eman likes beef fried rice...

Emmalee likes chicken parmesan pasta...

Awesome question. I don't think anyone's ever asked me, so here goes. :sweat_02:

For "Of Lowlifes, Lutes, & Liars," we have three main characters (Aranthus, Khazmine, and Pavocinis):

  • Aranthus: Anything hearty and meaty is a winning food for Aranthus. He likes stew, potato and seafood skewers, and steak. Aranthus dreams of one day getting a taste of raddilbak, but knows that might be too lofty a dream for the penniless outcast. For drinks, Aranthus is big on fresh-squeezed juice and wyrblossom tea.

  • Khazmine: Despite having significantly more access to fine foods than during her early days as an outcast, Khazmine loves granola. Trail mix, candied oats, handfuls of festival sweets; if it has granola in it, she's interested. Khazmine is not a fan of cold beverages, and favors a hot tisane or spiced nog. After a certain unpleasant incident in the Solanai commissary, Khazmine despises brambleberry juice.

  • Pavocinis: Pavo loves sticky thistle-wheat buns from the bread-peddler's bakery, the more raisins, the better. For drinks, Pavocinis loves a fine mead, or crisp, clean water, right from the spring.

For my current slice of life novel, my main female OC is a snack beast so I would say boba :smiley:

If you ever want a break from a heavy kdrama and just want to read about a goofy high school girl in South Korea trying to navigate the awkward teenage life and face to face with the boy of her dreams, please give this a try :smiley:

new episode posted for TVIMF

her fave food is tacos

Help me get to 500 <3

what is that? an animal or a dish or what?

It wouldn’t be like my country’s yellow plastic cheese lol. I had British cheese it’s really good. Irish cheese is also good. Irish cheese is more nutty tasting to me and English cheese is hmmm. Crumbly but salty in the best way.

They would eat freshly cut meat too on the sandwich. Though I can imagine it wouldn’t be cold. They had to salt, smoke, put it in the cellar to keep it from rotting. They didn’t have refrigerators but I imagine The Evans Estate having an ice box but they were small!