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Oct 2019

Sure it happens all the time but still...

Just this year alone, I've seen I've seen three web comics go on indefintie hiatuses. And the crazy thing is they all happened within the same week! Another crazy thing to mention is that all three of these series had been going on for at least 8 years. Nearly a decade's worth of content. And the descriptions are always the same; "I love this comic, but I don't love it as much as I used to. I'm tired and can't do it anymore."

It's not a wrong reason to quit, but it feels so sad that this seems to be the most likely end for webcomic series (which is no end!) It makes you wonder what it takes to really survive in the freelance comic world.


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Hmm 8 years is a long time. If it doesn't pay off it's not strange that they give up. Not many people can be fueled through passion alone. Most of the time we need other people's encouragement.

I think these artists are still alive since they wrote the reason as to why they quit.

Artists change over time. It's not a bad thing, necessarily, nor is it really giving up. 8 years is a REALLY long time. The comic they made is over (sometimes super abruptly) but they just evolved into a different type of artist with different interests and passions. It's not that they stopped doing art, because they will probably pick it up again offline or will do different things. But, the next time they specialize maybe they'll be making video games? Fine art? Pottery? Who knows?

But after 8 years...yeah...they can just end it if they want and still consider it a really good amount of work to point to, whether it's finished or not, youknow? Maybe they'll put on an ending one day as a chapter or two but a webcomic is fluid, unlike traditional publishing. They aren't required to finish it, although it would be nice, many a comic I've enjoyed just kinda left on a cliffhanger and it's like...o well, they moved on.

As somebody who did really quit comics for nearly a decade and who has worked as an illustrator for a long time, I can probably weigh in here.

One of the biggest problems with working as an illustrator: No real career progression.

I was devastated when due to lagging behind my peers a bit due to a rural upbringing I missed my chance to pitch to or get taken on by publishers before the 08 financial crash made them all close down open submissions and stop taking risks on new talent, and so had to diversify my skills and become a games artist while they all worked on comics! But then several years later, my friends, doing my "dream job" of being full time comic artists started coming to me at events asking how to become games artists. Turned out, yeah, sure, they were drawing comics full time... mostly of other people's IP, and not particularly good IP, we're talking like.... BRATZ comics for French kids mags and vanity comics about terrible Youtubers, and their pay hadn't gone up or anything. Only one or two had managed to get bits of work from Marvel and the like (not on mainstream titles) and these people were basically only making a pretty basic income.

When you become an illustrator, there's this assumption of career progression, that you become more and more famous and respected, work on bigger and bigger things for more and more respected publishers, or at least get a bigger and bigger audience, but it's just not the case. My friend had worked with a really, really famous writer and then afterwards was asking around if anyone had commissions going. Hell, I had work published in a BBC Doctor Who book last year, and then had to get a full time job immediately after because I was struggling so badly to pay London rent. Sadly it's just not the case that you do one big gig and you break in, and for some it isn't even the case that you'll steadily accumulate die hard fans. I have a big social media following that can be super-helpful at times for promoting my art stuff, but it mostly didn't come from art, it came from er... making viral D&D jokes9.... and voicing a character in a dub of a really popular webcomic13... :joy:

What I'm saying is, being an illustrator or comic artist is a slog that doesn't pay well, and the only reason to do it is because you really, really love doing it and you're willing to sacrifice time and lifestyle. But after a long time, the slog weighs you down. You see your peers on exciting new projects, or hear that they've been promoted to a midweight person who works in a bank and now they earn like twice as much money as you and can afford like... clothes and stuff. I'm in a pretty great position right now because I've managed to work up to being a creative consultant working part time, while the other days of the week giving my comic a shot. It's a great place to be because I'm not financially reliant on a publisher and can draw my own original IP, and I got to it by putting aside comics for a while to build up my career rather than by trying to build up a career in comics that wasn't going anywhere.

If you've been drawing a comic for eight years, it's probably pretty much as popular as it's going to be. Comics sometimes explode in popularity after 1, 2, 3 years, but... not so much eight. No, generally after eight years, people have seen it, know what your comic's deal is and whether it's their jam or not. Unless suddenly it gets taken on by a publisher or gets adapted to a new medium like animation, it's likely to just remain steady. So if your comic is of decent popularity, but it's really only enough to scrape by on similar money to somebody who tends a shop till, and nobody ever writes reviews about your comic any more and you're just slogging along... well, yeah, you might really feel like you want something exciting and a shot at making something that's more than just "kinda popular", or to experience "having money".

Plus ... well, I just rebooted10 my old comic9. I can't even imagine, looking at the old comic made by me like ten years ago, working on that version of the comic now. The me who made that comic was like a different person, she didn't even know she was gay, yeesh! (Hilarious given that I'm now engaged to a woman, I don't think she'd even have forseen that, never mind living in London!). As you grow as a person, you may well improve in your storytelling as well as art, but also the themes that interest you, and your depth of understanding of those themes changes. John Allison's switch from Scary Go Round to Bad Machinery happened because he was in his thirties and felt like doing a comic about trendy young adults in their early twenties didn't fit him any more, he wasn't a trendy hip 20-something any more, he didn't know what that group were into now, but he knew it wasn't the kind of music and fashion that he'd been into at that age and he'd just feel like he was getting dated and embarrassing. I would similarly hate to be chained to the tastes and oblivious storytelling decisions of my past self.

So... yeah. I know it sucks when a comic you really liked ends, but it happens a lot and it's worth sparing a thought for just how much hard work and sacrifice goes into making a comic for such a long time, and saying some words of kindness and encouragement to the creators.

This is basically how I feel about one of my series right now. But thankfully for my mental health it IS approaching its natural ending that I scripted years ago. So help me God, I will see it through. I would say it was particularly challenging (as opposed to my other on-going series) as it was largely episodic, and didn't have the tight, complete story that would drive me to see the whole thing complete.

My series is only a bit over 4 years old. God, I can't imagine 8 years …

and OMGGGG @darthmongoose, you've hit on so many points … all I can reply with is

I'm not the same person I was five years ago when I started this comic. My interests have changed, I've grown up a bit. Like, I still like the series overall, just not as much …
At some point I hit a plateau emotionally with it and I had to find joy elsewhere.
And as stated above, it is a total slog if you're trying to find financial success. It's why right now I'm starting to focus more on novels. Those I can produce in a fraction of the time of a full comic. It's way easier to try book after book, to see what sticks either monetarily, emotionally, or in popularity, simply because writing. is. faster.
Even if done solely for the 'passion' of it, I can finish a story and have it in my hands as a physical book in under two years and feel proud of myself for its completion.

Well....i've been drawing for 3 years non-stop now, and seriously considering to give up for a while.
Why? Because as many people said here, people change, they might not be too attached to their works anymore, after all, art is deeply connected to psychology, like a reflection of ourselves, so it's only natural that people meet art-block, even heavy ones and decide to give up or maybe taking breaks.

I don't know if anyone here knows Angela Vianello or Loputyn, they've always made art and they are fantastic artists and comic artists, but Angela took a whole year break because she just couldn't take drawing anymore, and Loputyn kinda recovered from a deep art crisis as well. Happens to everyone, literally.

For me, i have some emotional instability due a predispositon to mood disorders and this makes change idea towards making art a lot. Sometimes i do think stuff like "ohh, doing a webcomic would be so fun!" then i try to draw and it feels totally off for some unknown reasons XD i guess it's because i'm changing in some aspects, maybe, who knows, but art doesn't make me feel good, so i even stopped working on my current short comic for this, Feels sad, because i do feel like i can't live without making some kind of art and being involved into a community, but i also have to respect myself ^^"

Back to the point, i can't grow tired of a story in just 3 years, so i'm not surprised that some artists becomes tired of their 8-years-lasted story, honestly, it's sad, i know, but everyone is different and have different needs.

Eight years! Sometimes I don't know if I'll make 8 months. Creating a comic, especially if you are trying to do it the best you can, is very time consuming. And, frankly, staying on a consistent deadline isn't easy if you have a very full-time job.

For many years, I created only for myself, and could do it at my leisure. Once you start posting, you have to be concerned with deadlines and page output. If you obtain a fair amount of success the sacrifices are easier, but if things don't grow, the process starts to weigh. It's just as easy to create a digital comic or print version and try to sell it online if you want to find an audience than going the webcomics route.

I think it’s ok for webcomic artist to quit, I see them mostly as volunteers. Because most don’t make a living off their work, if they need to take a break, or are late in updating, or just end the story all together, I am fine with that.
If we want that to change, then the webcomic industry as a whole has to change, which would be a big undertaking for the fan base alone to do. I think the best way is to like and comment, give some ink if you can, and spread the word for any comics you like.
Also buy comics, or check them out at your local library. Show publishers that these are material people are interested. When they see that, they will go out looking for talent, and motivate more people to continue on the long webcomic trek. Penguin Random house just added a graphic novel section to their publishing house a couple of years ago. Comics are slowly making a comeback, with more and more publishers wanting in on it. I have seen two webcomics published into book form by big publishers and fly off the shelf at the Library.
I am advocating getting an adult comic section at my new Library because I know that they will increase circulation.

Be a comic advocate and don’t be to harsh with creators that need a break. Maybe two years from now they will get the itch to start again. Eight years of work must not have been easy to walk away from.

i think the thing with webcomics is that for many people in our generation, it's the sandbox where you first learn how to make comics. due to the naivety of just starting out, and copying everyone else who has done the same (and looking at mainstream manga and marvel comics that g o o n f o r e v e r ), people just jump into an epic. you get three years down the line and now youve learnt to make comics (hopefully) but youre a totally different artist with totally different goals.

this article talks abt growing out of projects youve never even started, but i think the ideas expressed are somewhat transferrable:

"They were beholden to their 12-year-old selves, who had imagined their grown-up future selves as famous manga authors with 40-volume series under their belts."

personally, as someone who's just finished a 'shrink this thing down and end it right now or i will quit' ending for my 3 year webcomic, ive actually come to the conclusion that starting on something long as shit can be a good entry point; youre just forced to keep going, reach that ending, and improve as you go. you got the fire under your arse. but it still makes things really difficult and painful when you get to about year 2-3 and youre just a different person. if you cant engineer an early finish, its totally understandable to just quit and move on to things devised with your adult mind who knows what its doing.

i dont have plans to discontinue spire, but after 3-ish years there IS a sort of disconnect you start feeling from the story. its not necessarily a negative feeling? but it feels a lot less personal than it used to. my guess is that its from that?

Top reasons I encounter are:

  1. Injury of hand/shoulder/arm due to repeated stress. Be sure to draw in a way your body can handle!

  2. They're a pantster and they got to a point in the plot that they haven't figured out. The difficulty pushing through without retconning is overwhelming. Plan your story completely before you start.

  3. They're not getting the recognition for their work that they want. So they drop it and try again. This isn't a bad idea, but be sure to take away some teachable moments from your experience so you don't wind up making the same mistakes the next time.

8 years is a long time and people can get bored with the world and characters they've created. And if they're not getting anything out it, they're just laboring over nothing basically.

You should ask them specifically why, or if they could go into more detail (find their contact info somehow)... Might be therapeutic and cathartic for them as well as you... I'm curious to know too.

Making comic is boring honestly, but i don't know what else i'll be doing besides that anyway

edit; just realized i've been doing this shit for 4 years now lmao, felt like wasting time after this long tbh

Honestly, I think it's burn-out.

From what I've experienced personally, it can stem from various things

  • Not getting recognition: fans that leave comments besides hearts, single digit views and likes
  • Obsessively thinking about it and working on it daily (I think this is number #1 problem)

And then it turns into a negative circle that you can't escape. You think about it every day, you work on it every day, you upload things on a weekly schedule or more frequently and get little to no return.
A good analogy is something I just told a friend of mine, it's like a restaurant. There's a long-time eatery closing in my home town and everyone's reacting with "aww that's so sad! I love that place!" and the owner literally is responding with "clearly you don't cause you don't come in and spend your money here". Be it comic or novel, or some other endeavour, if you constantly don't get any responses until you finally pull the plug - that's too late. Now, you can be a fan and go off and complain that your "favorite" thing ended, but if it's not supported, that's what happens.

iirc another example close to comic creator's home should be the mangaka for Yami no Matsuei, as the story goes so far as I've heard/recall: the mangaka suffered an injury of some sort, healed, came back to draw, and their drawing style went from a certain stylistic style many were familiar with (and could attribute to the late 90s and early 2000s, though I see it as gorgeous), and it transformed into something more realistic; THE FANS did not like this change, did not support this change, and stopped purchasing the new releases, so the manga was pulled and ended before the actual plot ending.

For my own personal experience, what makes me quit a novel (writing it) is that I'm just not creatively flowing with it any more. That's 1, or 2, I have ideas for other stories. And 3, I have multi-plot ideas that would segway the plot into different directions and I'm unsure which would be "best" to follow, and end up doing none, and just ending Cold. Turkey.
I have thought more than once to end Nearly There Nicely simply because of the lack of attention it seems to get from readers. Especially after my car accident in May 2017, I was deciding to adjust my mode into just editing what I already had and "just write to 90" so I could edit that, and end it at 90 cold turkey. It felt like no one was reading it, no one was enjoying it, no one was liking it, and no one was even seeing it: I was invisible. Now, don't get my negativity wrong, I still feel highly invisible on Tapas. The only change is a visual record of views and likes. I have at least two people hitting like on the updates. I do preach that "you should write for you" but if you (being me) aren't happy with what you have, either quit or do something to make it better. I happened to find Tapas around November or something last year, and thought "eh it'll probably be dead like everywhere else." My first month here hit 139 views, for just the first 10 chapters (and the 10 chapters I consider the weakest).

Writing, creating, comic drawing, drawing, cosplay sewing - anything like that - it's all a very isolating creation. If you live in an area like I do that's super rural and doesn't have much of anything going on, then you will be pressed finding ways to stay motivated. Every few days still I think about carting it all up and quitting. I can only explain that this urge comes from the daily illusion of "no one sees my stuff". I think about it daily, I work on it daily; How come daily it doesn't have a number of views that matches how many times I obsessively refresh the page? That obsession of focus, without taking any breaks from it, can lead to the depressive lows. That's why it's good to have focus, but just as important to allow your brain to focus on something else - some movie, tv shows, your pets, gardening, something that just isn't "omg my character is cooking so I need to cook what they're cooking omg I must make it perfect because they do!" and then you curl up on the floor of the kitchen because you burned your pan to a crisp. It'll be fine- just soak it and see if you can save it. There, there, hypothetical me, just don't leave the burners unattended.

I will say what kept me from quitting on my new comic was a change in my social environment. Both online and off. It wasn't just getting some encouragement, but getting specific support from sources that believed in what I was trying to do and could see the potential I didn't.

Real specific Hope just kinda outweighs all the things I've been struggling with.

Looking at the hobbyist vs. Professional aspect, I feel like rate of production probably plays a largish role as well (in regards to the concept of outgrowing a story over time).

With a serialized manga series you see the authors pumping out a chapter weekly in a lot of cases, or like monthly issues (which are roughly 1 chapter) of western comics. With this rapid rate of production it seems like there's a chance for the story and characters to grow more freely with the author over time. 2 years into a shonen manga's run you're several volumes in, a lot has happened to the characters, and they've grown as a result.

Compare this with the rate that most hobbyist comic artists can produce content: a lot of folks produce between 1-5 pages per week, max. 2 years in a couple of chapters may be finished and not a whole lot of story progression may have been made. The characters and story are largely the same as when you started, but now here's you: a few years older and wiser and wondering if it's still what you're interested in pursuing.

It's something I think about often in regards to my own work. I was literally the person that the article @punkarsenic linked describes up until about a year and a half ago lol. Since then I've started working on mostly one-shots that wouldn't take much longer than a year at most to finish, as well as writing/coming up with ideas for a longer series in the background. But I refuse to start the longer project until I've trained my speed to an acceptable level such that I might actually see it through in a reasonable time :sweat_smile: it'll already take a few years at best, but if it becomes one of those 8 year comics its probably not getting completed.

Dude, so that was! :astonished:

Jumps in time help with that: like start presenting the characters some months in the past, next issue in the present, next some months in the future...

I'm writting my novel that way but I still had not realized that fact. For me it's natural since I'm more intuitive than planner when creating, but I get it must be difficult for those who plan all the story at the start :thinking:

I mean, the characters don't stop being themselves, but that concept: they evolve with you, it's really important to keep in mind when doing long run projects.

My mind is blowed :flushed: