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Nov 15, '15
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Jun 12, '23
Oct 11, '24
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@Legendofgenii That expression was perfect for the build. @wispysing drawing people from behind seems very hard but you made it look really easy! @migxmeg love that! is that watercolor? @DanielRKM I love everyone's expression in this. seems about tight :joy: @IndigoShirtProd :grin:

@Legendofgenii anytime you pick a dog up like that... the smooches are solicited. :joy: Loving these sketches and lines. @Aleksei I love the variety of grey values you have going on. Really nice depth too. :ok_hand: @MerrowBros Congratz on the doctorate!!! :tada: @Lensing Exciting stuff! Those gestures are great …

@Legendofgenii Legs are always awkward but these look really good to me @DanielRKM I love new processes, I have tor write stuff down all the time lol @Kelheor Always HANDS! I feel it. Gotta do what ya gotta do.

Random drop in loving everyones sketches! Shoutouts to everyone here leveling up!

Where was this "portfolio review" months ago Tapas? :upside_down: @TroyVSTheWorld happy birthday to your characters :grinning:

The crew coming through :sunglasses:

Excited about my work in progress. I can't say it's my best work and I don't expect it to be since I'm, but I think my mid-drawing critical notes are very strong, and if this next piece I mainly compared my best works (most engagement) to my worst pieces in terms of audience responses/engagement…

@DanielRKM Nice work on the buffer finish! Also the snout @Kelheor Art traditions are the best! Also that's a really dynamic chibi form.

I'll give you my junior year University Art Major schedule. My first 3 semesters was very different since I Majored art at University as opposed to going to an Art School. Studio Concentration (Painting/Technical Drawing) 2 days a week 6 hours a day Elective Art (Printmaking/New Media) 2 days a …

I'm not sure if it's a western comic art thing, but there was for a long while many debates over skipping roughs, which would be the pass of making corrections and proportional adjustments across the board. A lot of artists skip the rough art phase because they stylistic approach characters proporti…

I've only done the 3 so far from last year. Applied for my first one this year. Hopefully the second half of this year will be more promising, between possibly figuring out what I keep missing, and having somewhat of reason to share my art.

I really need to start doing art shows regularly, mostly for the morale of those that see's the potential in my making artwork. Fortunately, the notes on my art during my brief peak last year and critical things I should identify in my newer pieces are starting feel more specific, which is really…

Happy Vulfgaar! :joy: I've always been cuirious about how the nature of drawings look when they're done in batches

Nice! love the different line weights.

2/3 through reading "Thinner" Definitely one of my favorite Stephen King novels so far.

@Kelheor Glad to see that you're in the groove again :grinning: I love the prospect of adjustments. @EncryptedWriting I like it so far. Definitely opens up the expression. @DanielRKM I love the little monkey. :joy:So happy how this series came to be.

@DanielRKM It's so interesting to see what came out of the CTA. That looks so awesome in color. @Kelheor Nice job on the eyes and mouth! Also the finished piece looks great

Why can't we just have nice weather, on good days?!

This looks like a situation lol

@Flug Sorry I don't think I understand.

@DanielRKM I'd say so judging by these sketches :grin: @Kelheor Their facial expressions as kids tells a whole story :joy: @DarkSena Love the seasonal energy! We need that here.

:laughing: [image] Also happy PI day :cake:

Nice job on the angle

Was it a written or verbal exam?

@DanielRKM I like that you are able to keep a deer-like profile. And also joining the club of mastering teeth :grin: @allenT This hatching looks awesome! I like what I see from the interior so-far. @EncryptedWriting Really nice work on the braided hair. @Kelheor Nice moody sketch! kudos to you for t…

I just meant the song in general. Especially the "make your body big and strong" line :joy:

Thank you! Well definitely keep that in mind on the next piece.

@KennethLopezJr921 This instantly made me think of EWF Shining Star @bulgariansumo those eyes are really great! @DanielRKM I had to look at this drawing with my mask on :laughing: nice job on the uncomfortable expression