5 / 11
Mar 25

Hey guys!

Some scenes just flow effortlessly, while others take forever to get right. Whether it’s an intense emotional moment, a fast-paced action sequence, or a complicated plot reveal, we all have that one scene that felt nearly impossible to write.

  • What’s the hardest scene you’ve ever written?
  • What made it so challenging—emotion, pacing, or something else?
  • How did you finally manage to get through it?

Btw I updated my novel please check it out:

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For me, it’s the wedding scene. My original plan was to have Corrine and Alex married by the end of the first chapter, but pacing consideration and production reality turned it into a 6 to 10 chapters ordeal. Luckily in the process of figuring the scene I was able to include important information that I originally planned explaining later and include a bit of characterisation for the main cast.

When I finally reached the scene in question I had to split in two for pacing reasons, rewrite major sections because I had not achieved my narrative objective, and shuffle things in the timeline so the two parts would be equal in amount of work. (Half of the scenes take place in a small room with a cast of 3 and the other take place in a gothic cathedral with a large crowd.)

Actually, for me the scene is still not done, the first part of the wedding should be released on the 7th of April with the second part that I have not finished drawing releasing in Mai.

You can read the chapter right before all that stuff here:

the hardest scenes i've ever written was probably in a short story i'm writing that isn't on Tapas, where I have a girl running from and fighting her dragon. I'm not used to writing action sequences so it was very tricky to do right. The first chapter of Crystal Blue was difficult for the same reason.

Hardest scene I've ever written?
The entirety of Chapters 18 and 19 were really hard, because it was hard to find something for Lyn to do during her walk to Adlernest

I guess it would be the letter from Chapter 1 here. I had to draw on a lot of emotions, such as grief and remember the day my cat died and the one my grandma died to evoke the right feelings. It did make for a great scene, but damn if it didn't make me feel shitty after.

hmm, I would say I'm satisfied for the moment, but with more practice, I think I could rewrite it better

The hardest was the entire flashback from page 25 to 40. They were the hardest to write and draw so far, because they're primarily unpleasant and sad memories from one of the main character's childhood, and there are also several of his inner thoughts. I also didn't want to reveal too much, just hint and leave certain things unsaid and somewhat implicit.
I think my main motivation for finishing and getting through that part is that I know there will be scenes later in the story that I'm really looking forward to telling and drawing, so I took it as something I had to get through for the good and fun things to come. :slight_smile:

Anyway here is the link to my comic:

For my comic - I think writing the scene where the murder victim dies was one of the hardest, as well as chapter four for some reason. I still am not done the former, but that scene isn't shown for a long while. I mean, we haven't even had it shown who the victim is yet, haha. There's a few other scenes I found really hard, such as the death of [REDACTED], but I can't really talk about those yet. Though for that example, it has a lot of action but also is meant to be really emotional for the major character in it which made it a lot harder than just some dialogue (my fav to write).

A future arc of AngHell Dela Blackpill... that would involve a lot of research into social, political issues, history, military tactics, etc.

My biggest challenge yet.