26 / 83
Jan 2021

The dream for me is to be able to live off my content, and have a large enough following that people understand what I'm gushing about when I start talking about my stories :sweat_smile:
And it's definitely not about the fame (I get enough anxiety posting here or anywhere) I just want that community. I love my stories so much, and they got me through a lot. I want to share them and be able to focus on them without worry.

Ah, changing the cast can be quite drastic :sweat_smile: I’m sure it’ll turn out great in the end though

@HopefulAttempt I definitely relate to that. Writing is like an outlet for me, and it’s basically all I ever talk about. I guess you could say I’m married to my work, but I’m also more than a little terrified sharing it with the world.

I was terrified of posting any of my work to start with, and I still am. I spend so much time editing. I only started writing three years ago, and I was a biology major :laughing: finished my degree but I'm here hoping I can end up saying "Living the dream" unironically xD

I feel that. I’m currently a computer science major with a minor in biology, graduating in May. Despite not majoring in English, I still really want to make a career out of my writing someday.

My dream is to get to work on this I want to go to an event and be with you and give you an art made by me for you. I am interested in living with you and my subscribers, so I g I would like you to support me to accomplish this

Every day I strive to bring you a better chapter, If you subscribe and allow me to work on this, the personal thing is what I like to do the most, that is my true dream, and I make an effort every day to achieve it, I am busy, I am sad, or I lose myself. a meal I am always creating what I like the most and I will not stop doing it,

I hope that one day we get to know each other and that day will be because I work hard, thank you for your attention

I want to have a printed 48 pages comic which is also available in a web comic format

Just to live a quiet life in Morioh.


Selfish guy enters chat: I became an author and artist because I needed to practice my writing and drawing skills to write the stories and draw / model the graphics for my games. That it !

First answer would be to make a living off of my writing hobby but real talk (leans in closer) I'd die happy if someone made some fanart of my monster boys. I have a mighty need to see them in a visual medium.

I'd like to see my series get animated, that'd be pretty cool.

As an artist - I want my series to be adapted for TV and be able to work as a writer and/or producer on projects.

Once I'm more established. I want to open a charity that does as much good as it possibly can do. Like I have an idea for a community center that would offer adult learning, career counseling, mental health services, even employ a handful of teachers to tutor kids and help them graduate early if they'd like. Around Christmas time, my charity would also do a Secret Santa program to keep spreading the good. (Like the East Idaho News Secret Santa videos on YouTube. Watch them and prepare to sob.)

I want to be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To catch them is my real test,
To train them is my cause!

I will travel across the land,
Searching far and wide.
Each Pokemon to understand
The power that's inside!

Gotta catch em' all!

To be able to make a living from my comic so I don't have to work as a janitor my whole life. Got a long way to go.

I want my comic to get really popular, and eventually get a physical book release. A BBC TV series of Realmwalker would be a dream come true. Most of all, I want to inspire people, and make them happy

One day world leaders would solve their differences through MMA fights.