7 / 83
Jan 2021

I want people to call people problematic for shipping the main pairing in my story because they misunderstand it.

okay in all seriousness, I just want some people who say nice things on my pages sometimes :slight_smile:

Artwise (a pipe dream), I wish to look through Ao3 and suddenly come across a dedicated page to writing 10k + word fanfiction of my work with all the pairings possible.

That would be a dream come true

I attend a lot of conventions, and every time I go, I see some of my favorite voice actors and creators. And I think that - it's not really the fame that I seek, while that can be nice - it's more being able to interact with people, hopefully one on one, and make their day by helping them feel good about themselves. I hope that makes sense.

Yeah I totally get that. I’m very quiet and reserved in real life, so being famous isn’t exactly my goal. At the end of the day, I just want to create something that people will love.

Really just people taking the time out their day to write it cus they love the world and characters that much would make me smile and die happy.

Even if it just high school AU with cheese ball drama instead of horror.

Yeah, I'm very quiet, too. I'm an introvert, but my wife has turned me into a half and half. XD Sometimes I'm super outgoing, and other times I'm super reserved. Whether I got to be a guest at a convention or not, I just want to help people. Yeah, I want to tell my stories, and I don't want to just throw hamfisted themes at them to tell them to feel better. But I want to at least do what you're saying: create something that people will love, and hopefully people can resonate with what I'm writing in such a way that it uplifts them. :slight_smile:

And if people don't love my stories - at least I do. Yes, I write my stories with readers in mind, but I don't write to appease to readers, either.

Ooh, a fanfic would be cool, too. I'd like to see how other people interpret my work, or how their OC's would interact with what I've created.

Oh, really?! :grinning: Conventions are my favorite. I hope this year they allow them. If not, I understand, but I really hope that they have them open. It's super fun, at least for me, to watch people interact with each other. It's also just fun to be in an atmosphere where everyone loves the same stuff you do. And some of the actors - it's really fun to go to their booths and see that they're just as human as the fans are. :slight_smile:

When you reach at a certain level like having fan letters it shows you have accomplish something, what an interesting dream you have

My dream would be of a film producer(?) or somewhere in that field, it is because I want to start making my own stuff instead of seeing the same thing on tv that doesn't get my attention that doesn't have that certain spark it needs.
(This part is some of the reason that's led me into writing)

I guess an Historian as well? or in the future once I am at a certain point in my life is to have enough money for myself which means that I am taken care of and to be able to give back to the people in America.

To stay in it :upside_down:

Serious note: To have some Tumblr blog analyze and breakdown my characters or story elements (symbolism, foreshadowing, theme, recurring passages, etc) under a microscope and I got "Huh? I didn't even think about it."

It honestly sounds like a lot of fun! :smile:

And @Black_Conscious I think the film producer goal is awesome. I’ve always wanted to try turning my books into screenplays so I can pitch to film directors in the hopes of producing the movies someday like you said. It’s a shame most theaters are closed nowadays, but I have faith they’ll reopen eventually! :blush:

Yeah I can definitely get behind that! It would be cool seeing someone else’s take on my work. They’d probably come up with some hidden theme I never even considered.

Well, I'm an older fart so I've had a nice little career in audio drama. Started out in plays, film scripts etc. Done work for other people, I don't know if it was ever produced or not, as long as the check cleared the bank, I was happy. And I've done the advertising copywriting etc. stint etc. (used to be able to do fairly decent haiku's in about 2 minutes)

All of my past work was 95% script work and very little prose so I'm here to see if my writing chops can do this, too.

But my biggest dream isn't for me. A friend's son is my intellectual property heir (Yeah I've got a last will and testament, something I had when I turned 30 and am now past that. Something you should have if you've got intellectual property and want to see it go somewhere specific) Anyway, my friend's son is my heir and I want to leave him a good solid body of work. He's an actor/musician/singer etc. and works in film so... it's pretty much all for him.

Write hard, write true.

It's always interesting to see the changes. I had a copy of the original script to "Highlander." Quite change. My story here on Tapas (Dead Souls Doing the Samba) was optioned for a screenplay. I've written them and didn't want to do it so the company is doing it. Right off the bat they were mentioning things that were different and I'll be interested to see the first draft. I trust the writer and the company so... we'll see.

You have an incredibly noble goal, and I respect that. I wish you the best of luck in achieving it.

As for the screenplay, that’s amazing! I’m sure the final draft will turn out great, but I hope they don’t change too much.

Lol, it's an all male "cast" and the first question was... how do you feel about a female... lol we'll see.

As to noble, I don't know. Selfish mostly I think because I don't want to see my work disappear and I know when it comes to the audio drama and theatrical work he may want to delve into it. Plus his parents are actors (regional) so there is that.

The dream for me is to be able to live off my content, and have a large enough following that people understand what I'm gushing about when I start talking about my stories :sweat_smile:
And it's definitely not about the fame (I get enough anxiety posting here or anywhere) I just want that community. I love my stories so much, and they got me through a lot. I want to share them and be able to focus on them without worry.