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Sep 2024

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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Astra would order the cookies and cream iced frappe all the way. Psychoborg would order an espresso.

Prometheus would order herbal tea as he doesn't like coffee. Igor would go for cappuccino.

Jekyll swears by Earl Gray tea. Hyde likes black coffee. Pinocchio would take a coffee with five creams and six sugars at least.

I don't drink Starbucks o -o
But if I were to be given a selection, I would say hazelnut latte or biscoff smoothie = v =
And some flavored sodas >w<)9

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BF would order the latte. She would get the small but she would get whatever flavor is the most wild-peppermint, pumpkin, etc.

Otto would try to order beer, forget he's in America and then get a water.

Arjana Talarus is a young child MC from my story and knowing her, she would like the Starbucks Pineapple Cloud Cake, Potatoe Cheddar and Chive Bakes, and a Honey Citrus Mint Tea.

Being a princess from a foreign land, these foods would remind her of home. At home, her land is very big on tea and desserts. She also loves sweets just like her father!

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Carmilla would get anything cookie and cream flavoured
Ross asks for a bag of straight coffee beans and crunches on them
Khufenkhamun takes it personally when there's no honey and date flavour frappe
Ika gets a soda water
Yossele just asks "can I please have a normal coffee?" Like some kind of 40 year old dad
Jafina gets the most sugary, pink, strawberry flavoured thing you could imagine. She takes five photos of it, and gets it in her custom tumbler too

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Something like this...

Now... that should be your diet if you want a body like Claudita :laughing: .. and of course don't forget the cardio...

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Fourthly Puzzled
Tina would get herself a cappacino with some oat milk.
Georgia doesn't drink coffee as she doesn't like it much, neither does Andy (Obviously because he's a child,) but if they had to order something there, they would go for milk or just a hot chocolate.
Rachael doesn't drink coffee much either, and would mostly go for alcohol. Only if she does, it would be just a regular coffee with sugar.


Human Yet Hybrid
Edwina would go for a peanut butter flavored or pumpkin flavored iced coffee.
Ida would go for something smooth like a non dairy chocolate cream cold brew.
Like I said about Andy, Preston's a kid and would go for like a hot chocolate or something.
Tobar doesn't drink coffee either.


Idk, I just never had starbucks in my life since I don't drink coffee.

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Random would order every coffee on the menu and present it to each customer.

Norton would order the fanciest and most expensive drink and then not actually like it.

The woodpeckers would argue about, which coffee is best and the cafe would close before they could choose.

Really none of my characters should be allowed to have coffee. :sip:

My characters make fun of Starbucks. They own a coffeeshop and bakery that they often say is "the better Starbucks". But, in regards to coffee, my main character Kazuya often drinks his coffee black, which is not what people would think he'd do based on his cute personality. Most would think he'd be a french vanilla iced coffee kind of person.

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