5 / 9
Jan 2020

Somehow, I have a feeling I'm going to regret this. '_' But here:

...This is a picture of a random OC I drew a month ago. Now, I'm not gonna list any numbers (I'd probably just embarrass myself) but this picture has done MUCH better than average in terms of views and faves than my usual pictures of random (new) OCs. Heck, it's done better than some pictures of OCs I've had for years. It's on a level I normally only see with fan art.

And I'm just wondering...why?

I mean, the design is nice, but it's nothing spectacular. And the background certainly isn't...
The weapon is, frankly, terrible (it really needs more work...I wouldn't have okayed this version if I'd known more than 14 people were actually gonna look at it...)
She's named after a Greek letter even...when I posted this, I just thought it was a cute thing; nothing special.

I don't know what I'm expecting to hear, but...do you see anything attractive in this character that I'm not seeing?? The one thing Rho hasn't gotten is comments, so I have no idea where all this extra attention is coming from...:confused:

  • created

    Jan '20
  • last reply

    Jan '20
  • 8


  • 853


  • 7


  • 13


  • 1


...No. :slight_smile:

To be honest, I don't think that's relevant...it's not as if all my faves and views come from people who already know me. My stats would be much more predictable if that were the case...

Okay, from image alone, a few ideas:

  • Costume am potentially iconic. Easy enuff to be recognizing, complicated enuff to be interesting.

  • Name am short, being easy to spell and being easy to pronounce, but also mebbe somewhat exotic. Memorable.

  • Big minigun-weapon suggest unique playstyle. Glass cannon mebbe? To be honest this look like 90s video game character. Am halfway nostalgic already.

honestly when it comes to social media sometimes it's just if the right person at the right time reblogs or retweets it youknow? If someone with enough followers says "look at this" it will get hits no matter what. So, I would just ignore if the numbers 'mean' anything and just have fun with it getting attention for now.

But like a fun anime girl with a ridiculously big gun is a pretty solid formula. People like it.

Maybe because she is a veiled girl?
Muslims could identify with this character I guess.

You managed to capture that balance between simple and complex that makes a design just work. Your color palette is limited and repeated in the right places, it's readable at a distance, the pose is pretty natural, and she has good energy. Basically, she looks solid without it seeming like you were trying too hard. :thumbsup: