7 / 8
Feb 4

For me, there are two that come to mind. The first is the anime Clannad and the second is the book A Thousand Splendid Suns from Khaled Hosseini.

Clannad opened my eyes to the full extent a work can touch your emotions through its characters. Up to that point, every anime I watched was the standard shounen fanfare, like Naruto and Dragon Ball. But this one story made me change my view on the world and life itself. I remember feeling an emptiness inside when it ended, knowing an experience like that wouldn't come as easy.

Little did I know right around the same period, during my high school years, I would be proven wrong. I took a lot of books from my school's library and always had a good relationship with the librarians. One day, this one book by an author I had never heard about caught my eyes. I saw how no one had picked it up yet and asked the librarian about it.

She told me it was an amazing experience and that I should give it a try. When finishing the process, she confided me she cried rivers with the letter part. I didn't undertand what she meant at that point.

Untill I reached the letter. And I felt the biggest surge of emotions in my life.

I think THAT was the day the seeds of wanting to be a writer came from. I've read many other books in my favorite genres, but nothing came close to how I felt. If I can touch 1 person in the world with my work the same way Hosseini did with me, I'll know it was worth it.

So, if you interested, here's my story. And also, what's your life changing work?

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Way of Peaceful warrior series... (Way of Peaceful warrior, Journeys of Socrates, Sacred Journey of the peaceful warrior)

Not sure if it's fact or fiction or what parts are exaggerated actual events. But regardless of whatever it may be, definitely highly recommended. I won't say it directly changed my life it moreso confirmed something. My OC, Claudita has similarities with "socrates" and "mama chia". And I've had Claudita since 2003 way before I read those books.

I also can't say I completely agree with the spiritual concepts tackled in those books.

Other books of fiction I recommend are Catcher in the Rye, Animal farm, 1984, Brave New World, Enders Game series (Enders game, speaker of the dead, xenocide, children of the mind, shadow puppets)... Jose Rizal's works (Noli Me Tangere, El Filibusterismo)...

The epic musical has inspired some of the key plot points of my comic the musical is a interpretation of the odyssey, and some of the songs actually made me think of possible scenarios that developed into plot points, not only from the backstory of the characters, but also the future.

and come to think about it, my whole comic wouldn't have been possible if not for the brodway musical hadestown either.

"Emanon" (both manga & novel) by Kajio Shinji &Tsuruta Kenji

"From the New World"(both anime & novel) by Kishi Yusuke

"Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind"(manga, not anime version) by Miyazaki Hayao

"Magical super Asia"(manga) by Chen Uen

"Anne of green gables"(All version! especially Amine version) by Lucy Maud Montgomery

This comic made me want to draw comics. I doesn´t impact my own stories but
it changed my life

As for me, I've always loved drawing comics but if there are books that really stuck to me, didn't really changed my life or anything but I really felt something while reading these books

Crisis on infinite earths was a really good book for me and it made me see just how interesting a book can be if the antagonist and the challenges he presents seems to be unsurmountable and this actually impacted my stories

Doomsday clock was the first book that showed me books can have deep philosophical meaning. It made me see a different kind of character apart from the good guy bad guy neutral guy stereo type

1984 was one of the first novels I read and it was outstanding. The part that really felt sad and shocking for me was when big brother won at the end and Winston and Julia stopped loving each other. It was heartbreaking
Other books are animal farm, the call of Cthulhu and others and to kill a mockingbird ( i haven't read it yet but I always see it recommended but I don't know why)
Anyways......that it for me
Check out my novel and comics i guess if you are interested

Probably "Great Expectations." I love Dickens and GE was the first of his books i read all the way through (unabridged.) It got me into writing narration better, complex plots and gothic fiction. I love weaving narratives where people are connected in unexpected or surprising ways now. His works were also the first I can remember that made me cry. They taught me how to use unusual language and narration to conjure emotions and my goal became to write a novel as impactful as his someday (though obviously my style is different in a lot of ways.)

Like you, I hope my stories will move people and make them feel my characters emotions. I've been told "Damsel in the Red Dress" made people cry, and though i've been rejected a lot, an editor of a magazine once sent me a message saying that my poem moved her, which is a win imao, even if I don't get published.

Orange: Mirai (the anime) also inspired me to want to wrote stories that would move people.

The poem that changed my life was one of my mother's. she the reason I started writing poetry.