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Mar 8

Okay let me start with mine , my favourite genre is dark LGBT stories, I like to write those stories because I felt somewhere we don't talk enough about them

We've seen all the favourite fluffy lovey dovey couples around us and feel that Their life is amazing and it's sort of a fantasy but the reality is too harsh with them , I try to write their pain in my stories and I hope I'll be able to adapt my story in series someday

(Me and my delulu thought) i wrote my story Abaddon about such a guy who faced harsh realities in early stage of his life and got appointed as a police officer but his life is always a bed of thorns if you want you can check my story

Here's the link

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I like the historical classification the most

I personnally love a good scifi (I mean... Obviously, i'm writing sci-fi and i'm doing my best to make it good), but I kind of got frustrated with classical scifi, mostly because i read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" and "Farenheit 451" back to back and got miffed at how surprisingly closed-minded the mcs are about people different to them vs the world in general.
Specifically in the case of women, there aren't really any deep female scifi characters in the old classics, in both books I've mentionned the women are basically allegories used to illustrate society's issues, not really their own character. Farenheit 451 in particular does this to the extreme, and no non straight non cis people whatsoever, and that's really not my experience of reality at all.

That's why I write scifi with characters more accurate to my real life, a bunch of LGBTQ+ people trying to navigate survival in a hostile world. There's also a bunch of romance and relationship drama that drives the plot because the old classics are also very stiff and dismissive of any feeling that isn't angst about the downfall of society/humanity/morals for some reason?

That's cool though I would love to read it :heart:️

My favorite genre is by far Shonen. anime people beating each other up and I cannot get enough of it.
that's why I'm writing a shonen! here's my main character, Stray.

Comic genre: light hearted erotic comedy
Story genre: short stories, dirty realism, transgressive fiction (Charles Bukowski)

My favorites are fantasy, comedy, action, and wholesome slice-of-life stories! :smile:

You can! It's on tapas and the link is in my bio, I won't add the link here because it's not a promo thread and I don't want to derail the convo.

Also I'm reading and I find it kind of funny you're saying you could only find gay fluff romances, because while I was growing up that really wasn't the case xD I went looking for kind of teen LGBT romances when I was a teen because I needed to see myself somewhere, and I almost exclusively found either controlling, unhealthy and occasionally criminal relationships. Think 50 shades but pg13 stuff most of the time. I'm not complaining, I love a good thriller, but having stuff like Killing Stalking in the "romance" section when it's clearly not messed with me for a while there. It's kind of amazing how being on different sides of the internet changes what's around and what seems plentiful.

As for me, I like action sci-fi because it gives you the freedom to take scientific theories and principles then twist and manipulate it into something fascinating that could still possibly and theoretically happen if your conditions were met then make your idea interesting to follow by adding excitement and action. But my favorite sub genre under sci-fi would be space because the Possibility are endless.
The second genre i recently discovered I like fantasy, especially medieval fantasy when I started writing my fantasy novel

Anything high iq... where there's philosophy, politics, etc going on like Gundam, Evangelion, lookism, etc.

Anything stupid humor... like Southpark, Beavis and Butthead, etc.

I'm a fan of horror and comedy.
I probably watch horror more than comedy though, but I'd say I like both genres equally.
I've been watching horror movies since I was kid and probably too young to watch a few of them.

Definitely gothic horror, though urban fantasy of any kind and magical girl stories are tied for a very close second place. Stories that take a very tried and true genre and shift it slightly to the left also have a special place in my heart (ie, a dragons and elves high fantasy where cells and extraterrestrial life are just common knowledge).

My favorite genres are fantasy and psychological horror. I like to be either fascinated by life or questioning the state of humanity as a whole.

I love speculative fiction, suspense and comedy. Apparently I tend to write a lot of body horror and psyche horror, but they usually also fall into the spec fic or suspense categories

I write what I like! LGBTQ friendly fiction with lots of sexual tension and fluffy scenes. Some tragic backstories but nothing too harrowing, and plenty of humor throughout. Bonus points for found family and multiple couples to make it a cozy read!

My faves are Shonen, Creature Horror, Zombie Horror, Psychological Horror, Mystery, Dark Fantasy, BL, superhero and Scifi, Frequencies and Battle Royale/Tournament style stuff

My comic is a mishmash of all
Two brothers (one of em gay) become unwilling carriers of an outbreak that instantly turn anyone they infect into monsters (horror, creature horror, zombie horror, mystery virus). However other symptoms allow the brothers to manipulate states of matter and grant them a fighting chance (shonen, dark fantasy, superhero, mystery powers). The brothers kinship and values are tested when other carriers emerge, among them is one who spins the situation into a grisly game (psychological horror, battle royale).
[Is it's origins biological/scifi or fantasy based? Only time will tell]