9 / 118
Feb 2018

Making the comic.


ok yeah, even tho it sounds like a terrible joke, it's actually what I think all the time when I'm making it.
I wish I had more hours per day.

Tho... When it comes to THE comic making process, I think the hardest part is: Setting the scene.
Like, what angle to use? What emotion do I want to portray with this scene right here?

(but honestly, who doesn't wished that their comic was already done by a clone or something? So you can read it but not having to bother to, you know, make it xD)

When I’m in bed and feel like ‘hell yeah, I’m all motivated and today I’m productive and get tons of stuff done!’...just to find myself later on my art table with hands as heavy as lead and unable to draw anything decent... :disappointed_relieved:
Gets really frustrating when that circle repeats over several days and you feel more and more useless due to it. Ark!
...can’t do anything but struggle through I guess

Also frustrated how expensive art supplies are and that they always break in the most inconvenient moments :sob:
I really wish I could’ve put off buying a new tablet until the end of the year...guess it’s only water and bread for me for the next months :confused:

Finding the time to actually do it.

All I wanted to do last night was finish off a strip but taxes beckoned.

Latest frustration? 3 pages away from finishing this chapter and everything in RL has been hitting me this week. Gotta finish off projects for a conference next week with my day gig, so no comic making for right now.

someone pointed out that my characters are hard to tell apart from the backgrounds and ive been trying to figure out how to fix that, but it's giving me a lot of trouble :^/
i also made this about a past comic i dropped

I feel like I have too much to do for everything in general. It's annoying and I just cannot get the motivation to get comics done!

A lot of people go through this, even professionals. My peers are often freelance illustrators making a living off their art and there are a fair amount of them that talk themselves out of doing the projects they want to because they're scared of lack of reception or that it will be a waste of time. It's a struggle that transcends skill level.

Maybe what you need to do is make the comic for yourself. You don't have to upload it, no one else has to see it. Only share it if you're comfortable with that after it's 100% finished. This might allow you to enjoy it while separating the need for external validation and give you the confidence to make comics regardless of it.

Will no one read this? Doesn't matter, you're not uploading it. Is the concept stupid? Maybe, but you like it and you're going to do it anyway.

As for my own frustration, I'm just... tired of finances holding me back. So tired. I've been doing my comic alongside of a full time job for 5 years, and only in the past year have I been able to make a slow transition to the flexibility of freelance so I have more time to dedicate to the comic. I'm so sick of having to split my focus and having the workload of basically 2 full time jobs at any given time. I feel like if I could just get enough support for a year or two to really produce a lot of pages and focus on making my business sustainable, I could make actual strides in making a living doing what I love. It usually comes down to that catch 22 of: Need to devote time to the business to make it work, can't devote time without money to pay the bills, need to make money with a normal job, job takes up tons of time and energy and now I'm unable to devote much of anything to the business. It's a dumb cycle I'm trying REALLY HARD to break.

my latest frustrations have been my own attention span! I feel that i haven't been focusing like I use to, in college I was making artwork like a factory. Once I graduated it was a totally different sorry, I went back home and been struggling to find a dependable job ever since.

Now in days I'm trying to figure something out, plus other personal things always seems like they get in the way.... but that s life i just want to work, work, work but that unrealistic.


If you are still in school, you could go talk to your school councellor. They usually are trained to deal with this mindset (atleast, they are in my country, since it's very common with students) and they can really help out with this sorta thinking...And it's free, or atleast a lot cheaper than psychologist :stuck_out_tongue:

I'm currently looking back at my series and thinking about how unoriginal it is in terms of artstyle knowing it's similar to the simplified drawing style like theodd1sout. Eventhough the character design is totally different I still feel like a copy of him. I enjoy the characters so much but at the back of my mind I'm worried about being called a "fake" and a "copycat"
I guess it's an overwhelming fear that I just wanted to share. If you're having similar problems, know that you're not alone in this battle.
Thanks for making this, I really needed to vent out some of my thoughts, it was poisoning my mind for a while.

I can't draw free hand. I spend hours looking at poses and sketches on Pinterest and Google Images for me to incorporate. Something to trace here or something to trace there. I spend more time looking for art than actually spending time on Photoshop sometimes.

Oh, this one's a gnarly one and I experience it as well. Sometimes doubly frustrating when you start seeing influences in your work you didn't anticipate (from circles of art friends' styles or themes). A lot of it's psychological, I think. Just... an awful anxiety that stems from you being there through the whole process. Of course we'll be able to make strong comparisons and trope-y slants easy, just gotta try to be a tad forgiving of ourselves.

As long as you push against insecurity, no one else will make those comparisons. Voice your strengths (even though it's soooo hard!) and others will see them clearly.





I might be having problems scripting =/

For me it's the aches and pains that come with it especially my drawing hand and my shoulder, not to mention I've been under the weather lately so that doesn't help either.

Three things have been frustrating me lately (and historically, and probably always will):

1) Technology (crashes, malfunctions, etc) - My lovely darling computer has been acting up a storm lately. I'm trying to deal with it, but I also still need to use it for work.

2) Lack of motivation - I try to compensate with discipline, but forcing myself tends to exacerbate my anxiety and has caused me months upon months of creative block before. Lengthy periods of creative block are the absolute worst and are usually coupled with lengthy periods of terrible depression. :U

3) Other projects and obligations - I have a lot of hobbies and things I want to learn and things I need to be doing. There is just not enough time. Right now my motivation for game dev has been making my comic suffer a bit. I wonder if I'll ever get the balance right?

I've been dealing with the fear that my comic is trash. I replay the whole story endlessly in my head day in and day out, improving scenes and adjusting dialogue to better fit my characters, but I still feel as though it's unoriginal. I mean, people that turn into wolves, how more cliche can one get?

I justify to myself that the story makes up for the overused trope, but in the end I can't always convince myself that's true.

When those negative thoughts get me down, I have to really work hard to remind myself that even if my comic's plot has been done a million times, I continue on because I love my characters.


Sometime it take just a little time to got an idea, sometime it's forever.
Sometime you just have to do with what you have right now, even though it's not good at all due to deadline.

What kind of brainstorming works varies a lot from person to person.

Here are some examples.
1-Some prefer to write as many ideas in a piece of paper during a few minutes.
2-Others prefer to suggest ideas to each other as a team
3-Or maybe starting with a question?
4-Setting cards with words and draw one randomly and think what ideas come with that word

Curiously the one that worked for me is asking myself a question about the plot of my comic or a joke, then i roll a dice, if i roll an even number is a "yes" and odd numbers are a "no". Then i ask myself why the "yes" or "no" is an apropiare answer for my story.

You must see what works for you.

I think you missed the point of this topic.

I know what brainstorm is, I know how it work. I just hate it sometime because it take time to do.

Thanks for your comment though. That are some good advices.