my upcoming webcomic Cyberspace Daredevils takes place in E-den, a digital world that anyone can log into from all across the planet. one of the first things I knew about Cyberspace Daredevils is that I wanted it to be a love letter to the internet, so I knew I wanted it to be set in a digital world. not to mention its pretty unique all things considered.
we haven't drawn a good establishing shot yet, so here's my main character instead! his name is Stray.
art by Jacks_Dumpster on instagram.
Hey guys my story is set in Bangkok because I'm inspired by LGBT community and we all know they are very much open to homosexuality...
It's about two young officers trying to investigate a serial killer case admist their differences where one of them was sent to Juvenile home because he killed someone at a younger age and another hates him because of an incident that changed his life
Here's mine link
My setting is the logical extension of putting my own twist on the romance fantasy trope of marrying the evil-coded Duke of the North.
Is the Duke of the north overdone? How about the Duke of an underground civilisation.
Why is he evil-coded? I made him the leader of what is basically a fantasy version of the death korps of Krieg.
I built my setting around these two decisions, so my story is set in a fantasy world inspired by Europe around the late 19th/early 20th century, inside a semi independent territory of a larger empire that consist of a huge network of caves and tunnels.
My story is set in a fictional multiverse drawing from various things I like. Some of it is drawn from places where I spent my childhood, but other stuff is drawn from mythologies I like, largely Classical mythology - because I studied Classics at university - and books I've read. Insofar as I can manage, the story is NOT set in any real location, time or place.
My story is set on a stranded island in the Mid Atlantic Ridge (that is assumed to be inhabited). I chose this specific setting because I really loved the Lord of the Flies and Cast Away when I was younger. I was inspired by the former to write this story, but with my own twists and influences.
I have six episodes out so far and there's more to come!
Have a great day
Fair, no Fair is set in Denmark somewhere around 2018 but the year is not really specified. For the setting I drew a lot from my memories of my own schooltrips and a vacation I took to Denmark a few years ago.
Feathered Fall is similar in inspiration: Italy is a country where I've recently been and although I havent actually visited the places I've described (we didn't see Milan) I've tried to lean on my own vacation experiences. I do think it's funny that Feathered Fall is kind of my answer to Fair, no Fair in some ways: not only is it more mature but the setting is at once very similar and very different.
My worlds is a setting that was originally just the Forgotten Realms from DnD-- but due to my desire to branch out storytelling wise the world ended up changing a lot. Now it's like a fantasy Amalgamation of the ancient world with different regions and cultures inspired by ancient societies that rose in similar environments. I've had a lot of fun doing speculative ecology and just taking a spin on my favorite ancient cultures. Right now most of the story is taking place in/around an Athens-like, but we'll also go to the Eurasian steppe(scythian inspired), Sparta-with-dragons, and Magitocracy Minoa..... Of course none of them are strictly historically accurate, because it's not historical fiction, but i think I've done some cool things and kept choices internally consistent! Always open to feedback tho!
The story takes place on Triginta Octo LIV, a world very similar to Earth, but with multiple quirks. The oceans are all dead, there are no stars in the sky, and the world is ruled by powerful immortals called Aeternum.
Each of the cultures is loosely based on real world cultures, with varying traits of different time periods used as representation of class differences. Most people listen to radio for entertainment, but the rich have moveis for example. There are no vehicles, instead there are walking cities and carriages. This decision was made because I hate cars and love the concept of walking cities.
The main setting among settings for the story is the City of Rem, which I'm still building to, but its supposed to be a cultural mix and match like New York. Its because I was inspired by a lot of stories that take place in a singular city setting. Stuff like Gintama, TMNT, or Like A Dragon were big inspirations. Right now we're just following the road trip there, though I hope to reach the city in this year
It started innocently enough. My kids wanted a bedtime story about how they got dogs. I thought to myself “Ooooo! Imaginary dogs instead of real ones? I'll take that deal!” Before I know it (and EVERYTHING happened before I knew it when they were that age) I was digging up every threadbare clique I could remember just to come up with 15 minutes of “original” content every other night. Then on a new years dare I found myself writing to book of the one story arc that I thought was a little bit interesting. Then the pandemic came I started a graphic novel adaption of the book to keep myself from going crazy with lack of purpose. (it also held back the daytime despair drinking)
In any case the graphic novel is loosely based in the early 2000's in the twin cities area. (Minneapolis/St. Paul Minnesota) Or is it? Check it out and you decide.
i love lycans and wolves and how they are centered in the forest with rain or snow
a lot of the novels out there are so negative and i wanted to create something a bit positive with touches of real life
keeping true to what i like which is smut 🤭🫣️
i created my own realm per se but definitely rainy forest vibes
Mystery and Bl is an awesome combination
Outside the action and horror of mines, there is a heavy dose of mystery that zones into individuals from a gay nightclub where one of the MCs frequents and another is a manager there.
Went for a Coastal New England type setting: modern, classic but also a gloomy old-English/European vibe: Creepy old lighthouses, museums, urban legends that retain an ominous feeling.
The comic is set in a fictional island called Heavensea, located in the North Pacific, influenced by British, American and Pirates of the 1700's-1800s (also tied to the plot). Early in the story, the MCs (two brothers) become unwilling super spreaders of a bizarre condition and Heavensea quickly becomes a ghost town crawling with deadly monsters. The detailed environments echo a once peaceful town and play an important role as the MCs interact with various props and reveal more about themselves to the reader.
As you said, also wanted to put the reader in an 'unsafe world where anything could happen at any moment' and any new person met feels sus. As it's a fictional place, I can be a bit flexible to accommodate other parts of the plot. Through the sheltered eyes of Owen (the younger MC), the reader can also share his sense of unfamiliarity.
Overlook Place: a hillside park that overlooks the two MCs hometown, Gunnhildr Way. The statue in bg is a tomb for a female pirate, Lady Gunnhildr whom the town was named after.
Gunnhildr High School the most recent location in comic, echoes life that once was and reveals more about the two MCs' family dynamic
map and national flag of Heavensea
Elsie is set in the fictional town of Smelton located in Southeast England in the late 1890s to early 1900s. I dunno I have a thing for seaside towns. Southern England is also pretty posh.
I just really really like the water. Smelton was influenced by Brighton. (Below are photos of it circa 1880s through 1900s)
Elsie also has places where the gang goes to.
Paris, France
And finally in the second season Ernest and Rosie will go to New York City for the 1900 Inventor’s Exhibition (a fictional exhibition)
The New York City in the Elsie universe however is obviously more steampunky.
It is also the location where The Houdini Brothers live. (Harlem)
Abysskeeper Suen is set in a small coastal town called Tidescreep in the year 1872, the climate is similar to the Northeastern US, but due to not actually taking place on the earth we ended up with, it definitely isn’t actually located there.
The worldbuilding of the story is heavily inspired by Shadow over Innsmouth, the eponymous town being located in Massachusetts if memory serves correctly, so it only felt fitting to base the setting on that area. Time-wise, I chose 1872 pretty randomly, and on accident. I knew I wanted it to be in the mid to late 19th century, so I decided it would be 1874, but an important moment for a major character happened in 1842, and I got the numbers slightly mixed up.
Plus, I haven’t ever seen a historical magical girl story (closest I’ve come across is Elsie, which is historical superheroes), so it’s not exactly a cliche setting.