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Jul 2018


Let's do a vote. Among these four book covers that I made, which book cover is the best?
I'm intrigued to know people's votes. :slight_smile:
These book covers I made are for my original story, Song in the Sunset An Angel's Mission, which you can read for free here in Tapas, if you want to check it out:

Let the voting begin :wink:





  • created

    Jul '18
  • last reply

    Jul '18
  • 9


  • 1.1k


  • 7


  • 14


  • 1


D, its the only one i can really see text clearly on both front and back.

If you add more space from the print bleed, you have less chance to get your info cut out

I liked the b), but better add blur on the back cover and change the font to bold, so it won't get lost on the background. The same for the handwriting

Typography-vise I'd say either B or D while B definitely has a wayyyy too busy background. A uses too many fonts and the front and the back don't look like they actually belong to the same book due to the colour scheme and completely different fonts. C somewhat works but composition-vise I still find B much stronger as it doesn't look as pieced together as C does. Also C's colours are very bright and saturated, I'd turn it down a notch or two.
I find B the most cohesive and the title doesn't get broken off so awkwardly. D has a nice font for the title but those blue ornaments in the background make a very odd separation. If you removed those lines and moved "Song in the" and "Sunset" closer together, it'd look much nicer.
B would just need a change of the background photo to something calmer and with less contrast, so imo I'd go with that one.

@fleohr Thank you for your thoughts. I'll definitely add more space from the print bleed also for the back cover I'll keep in mind the changes you told me to do. :smiley:
@Harmony-S-S Thank you for voting. :slight_smile:
@darkone4587 Thank you for voting. I'll keep the book cover D in mind. :slight_smile:
@inkythoughts Thank you for your comments about my book covers and for voting which is the best. Ɓll of your suggestions I will keep that in mind and try to apply them to make my book covers more attractive based on your suggestions/comments :slight_smile: