47 / 60
Mar 2017

Not much rude comments on my stuff aside from this one: "DO NOT TELL ME THIS IS LGBT ? OR BL?"
(I did get a lot of constructive criticism on my earlier chapters but they're not rude at all).

Though I got a lot of death threats at a certain character in my recent update. I'd personally would feel like shit if those were directed at me /sweats

Eh, this has to be the worst I've gotten in terms of my comic, that and occasional update demands.
But that's Webtoons for ya.

Well I got a series of comments from a person who pretty much only ever commented to judge my life decisions and push me down. When I mentioned how screwed up the medical system is here in sweden (and across the rest of the world really) when it comes to how they handle trans people, this person just slapped my face with "the waiting for transition SHOULD be really long". Mind you this was during a time that it was well known my shitty situation brought me to suicidal thoughts. It was the last thing I needed to hear in that moment, and certainly not something the huge amount of trans people in my audience needed to see. I confronted them about it, and they straight up told me they just dislike transgender transitions and piercings/body modifications (oh yes. They judged me for my lip piercings too.)

I don't get comments from this person anymore, thank god. It was the only time I had to straight up tell a person I wanted them to stop coming around for my comics and that I would block them if I could. As I said, I have a lot of transgender readers, I can't have transphobic people hanging out in the comments.

Thankfully my rudest comment wasn't bashing my comic, they were just acting like an entitled prick.
"I'm getting fucking tired of these short updates. THIS IS BULLSHIT!"

I was not afraid to chew them out. Oh man did I chew them out. They apologized and said they were just having a bad day, but damn. There's a good chunk of Webtoons readers who don't think of us as human beings who have lives that can get in the way of comic making.

12 days later

As a lot of other creators are saying, running an LGBTQ+ comic has its challenges...

My worst comment has to be this one that quoted some identities I featured and then said:
"Jesus f**king christ you are cancer."

Someone also recently told me "f**k you go to hell" because I posted the Tipping announcement!
...Which I found simultaneously offensive and funny because neither Tap or I are requiring anyone to tip creators! Lol

i dont get lots of mean comments. which is super nice. BUUUT i did get this one that i actually really like

"I don't read Robo Hole because frankly one of the two main characters is an unlikable c**t."

it was in a forum tho and not on my actual comic. and to be faaaiiir one of my main characters is kinda unlikeable so ya got me there homeslice. but i really liked that they cared this much to say that haha

I don't really mind if people bad mouth the characters, but damn if they even mention they need more updates...
I'm not gonna let em go without a good talking to.

This is only happens on Webtoons lol

Ugh these are very typical right now because tons of people are freaking out and creating this controversy over intergender people. Basically, intergender people are hated by EVERYONE, including the ones that should understand their situation the most out of the people that aren't intergender themselves. Gay, lesbian and "typical" ftm and mtf people all hate on them, claiming that they make the lgbtqia movement look dumb or that they are making doctors doubt... and I hate having to quote this, but.... "REAL TRANS PEOPLE". That one physically hurt to type. Please send bandaids.
The absolute worst part is when they say "THEY'S BE ONLY 2 GENDERS CUZ SCIENCE" and then you're like "Uh intersex people" and they either dismiss it or ignore it and just keep going "SCIENCEEEEEEE".
I can't even anymore I'm having Vietnam flashbacks to that one video Arielle and JaclynGlenn made and I am cringing so hard that my lungs are about to fall out. I'm so sorry that you get these types of comments on your comic, I have seen it around and I bloody love that it exists. It is so openminded and spreads such a positive message about individuality, I just don't understand why people feel the need to taint its comments sections with such dysphoria-triggering filth.

I actually have a whole hall of bad comments on my Twitter xD
But the rudest one was this here on Tapastic:

(first comment, I never told anyone except trusted people what my life situation was, but the part when he talks about my boyfriend, yea, my boyfriend does have a job xD And no I never stated I make 30 bucks of my Patreon lol) Later the guy told me that my work is worth minimum and then I got a proposition to be featured on Webtoons. The timing was so right.
Tho the rudest I got on Webtoons was:

Can't really decide which one was worse XD

@AffectedMind holy crud that tapastic butt-wad is the worst. i dont even know enough words to say how annoying that guy is. hes just... hes just so wrong about everything ever. jeez

My latest rude comment was actually a compliment? It was so odd. They praised my comic for not being "feminist crap like the rest of Tapastic"? I'm assuming just because the two characters getting the most screen time right now are dudes... They're gonna be pretty disappointed when the female main character gets her time to shine later in the story.

Yeeahhh. They took a shot at BL too, actually (unsurprisingly), but I was kind of more offended by the feminist part considering...I guess a strong female lead = feminist crap? Because that's really all I can think they're referring to. Plus, I do kind of consider myself a feminist and I do wanna strive to have strong female characters in my story, but this current scene just ain't focused on them, ya know? e_e

Well @AffectedMind I'm glad you got featured on Webtoons. This is one of those cases where you've had to deal with a lot of shit- but it paid off in the long run...

It did and oh boi... It was a long run indeed, I remember starting my comic like it was yesterday, when in reality it's been almost 4 years now.

See this is why it's eventually going to be worth it, because it also brings people together -- I wouldn't have met you otherwise.
This sounds as if I could have been the one writing your reply because I wholeheartedly agree! It is a major problem right now which is why I am very relieved to see other people on here who will literally argue for me. I know this thread is about rude comments, but I can't deny that I have a following of incredible LGBTQ+ defenders in my comment section who often get to the rude comments before I even have a chance to read them.
Thank you so much for such kind compliments about my comic!! And to be honest I don't understand it either, because it's completely solvable with just a tiny bit of new knowledge.
I truly believe however that we can make a difference, but needless to say it is still new for many people and highly frustrating for us at the moment. Sending plenty of hugs and bandaids!

lmao what? "My comic has a female lead---" "OH GOOD. ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE COMICS. UGH."
They must be a fun person to hang out with.

"Ah, a good ol' safe comic with a straight white man in the lead!"


No but seriously, whatta dick. xD

I am pretty snarky in the comments so I don't have many flat out rude response. I have gotten use to the your so slow/too short comments on Webtoons frankly I take them as complements; unlike tapastic they are use to a more streamlined release schedule. Which is not what I do. lol

There was two comments off the top of my head that I thought was rude:

" Dang.. Was hoping for a story without romance for once."

"Demands but no reasons"