7 / 57
Jul 2021

I just made a huge change. Way more stylized. I have been working my butt off learning how to do this. Im still on black and white but I feel so CLOSE to being comfortable to make the switch to color.

The comic I am working on now I went in knowing I had a lot to learn. In the beginning, it's hard to follow because I thought "hide information" FUYGJHVHGFHJ OMG IDK WHY I DID THAT. lol anyway, I'm having fun and have started preparing for my next project which will be my actual baby, though I will finish this one first. I still like the characters and plot. maybe one day ill will reboot it. I don't think ill ever delete it though cause it's fun to go back, cringe, and see how far I have come.

(TW gore/violence/abuse)

@angie_draws_things (so cute! subscribed)

I also made the change from. B/W to color! I am proud and I will show you all when I get 5 more pages colored. I will check your story out. Thanks for sharing your experience!

I learned how to draw faces, hair, the whole structure to support the expressions I already practiced! Which honestly makes it hard to go back to some of the old pages when I'm reuploading to a mirror. Just a bit over 2 years between these.

Yeah- for sure with the artwork :). It's been about a year of making an effort. Still trying to figure out forms that feel solid and life-like, but characters are surely a lot less flat and weirdly shaped for me lol.

Great watching your progress too! Your coloring thread was really inspiring :heart_03: been practicing some coloring techniques this past week as well based on some of the great advice/videos that got shared there.


How humble of you to say a few changes!! Your art looks to have evolutionized! Great job!!! do you have a link to your comic?

Here's Volken from my comic LOSTLAND, from 2017 to 2019. The art has improved a lot between the old and new versions of my comic, and I'm forever grateful for taking the risk and seeing the rework through!

Ah yeah, here you go:

Oh... If you want to follow the progression of a work, I will like to invite you to this:

I love how you shade!! So confidently done and well . I think I am already subbed to you. What is your link to comic?

Oh right sorry. This is an upcoming comic here on tapas. The site is where we collect all the stuff for it.
There is a storyboard to follow also.

But if you want something more precise to read then here is the first part we did as a test under last inkgivings:

Sorry that it isn’t out yet. I was merely replying to this, because this project is all about trying to improve our craft

I'm all about that constant striving to improve!

Here's page one1 from my first comic, 2017. It was my first time committing to drawing an entire story, so I tried to keep things simple.

Here's page one from my second comic, 2018. I was ready to make something a little more challenging. But I had to learn about paneling, coloring, speech bubbles, telling a longer story, perspective, backgrounds, etc.

And for my next comic, I keep learning new things to make it even better. :slight_smile:

DotPQ saw a pretty big change in art style between seasons...as shown here with the first couple panels of S1 and S2:

It was kind of on purpose, though. S1's art style had already evolved a lot on its own, and when I started to plan the art direction for S2, I decided to lean into what it was becoming instead of fighting it. So now I'm using sharp color contrasts and lots of contours instead of mostly flat colors, and I got rid of the funky line art, which was time-consuming and honestly not that great-looking (as much as I love chisel-tip lines, I have no instinct for them whatsoever ^^; ).

I agree with the "if I wait until I think my art is good enough I'll never post anything" sentiment expressed above. I basically looked at some of my favorite webcomics that have been going for 15+ years and when you go back and look at their early work it's nearly unrecognizable, so I figured "screw it, if they can do it then so can I."

Here's Zonk and Miguel in their first appearance together vs one of the last times they were in an episode together:

And this is Zonk and Nicole during their first meeting vs this week's episode:

So yeah, over the last two and a half years things have improved dramatically IMHO. I'm still complete shite at backgrounds but I choose to believe that nobody reads my comic for the backgrounds anyway... :sweat:

Edit: But to answer the actual question I wouldn't say there's a huge change style-wise, it's mostly just in effort and confidence. My early episodes definitely fell into the "screw it, who cares if it sucks" category so they're all sketchy and messy, and these days I'm actually shading and trying to make things look a little cleaner. You can probably still tell that I'm inking very quickly and haphazardly but it's slightly more pleasant to look at.

Thank you!! Aaaaah, glad it looks more confident than it feels :sweat_02:. And you are - we really appreciate that <3. Edited with link anyway :).

Oh yeah, I've definitely had a lot of evolution in my art style. It's been a mix of getting better in some areas, putting in more effort in others, and finding the right tools and shortcuts to help with my weak areas.

Early on I was doing this kinda half-hearted airbrush shading, because I just don't really enjoy shading, but I ended up committing to spending more time on it to get a better result. I also did some studies to get better ideas of how to draw my characters' hair and clothing, and got better about not having the faces look kinda wonky (I'm faceblind and that's always an area where I end up messing up easily).

So here's some panels from back in 2019:

And here's the same characters in 2021, with all the improvements I was talking about:

But Raul is still the master of harebrained schemes, that aspect stayed consistent. :stuck_out_tongue: