8 / 36
Jan 5

Obviously Claudita... being main female protagonist in 3 of my comics

From my current comic? One of the main characters, at least of the "B plot", Cyan. Might just be because I barely have to colour the dude;

But, if we're talking about in general, it's my character from a dead private project a friend and I tried and failed to complete. His name, or title, is "Seer of Misery and Misfortune"-- but he's usually just called Misfortune or "Mis" in the text. Or Seer.

Love the dude so much I used him as the title page for my short story collection; since they're all kind of miserable and unfortunate. Though, he never does make an appearance. He is a character much to mired in his original work to do much else with. That work being a nearly 20 (private) novel-length-long narrative, all comminating in the main villain doing what he does, and then this little dude dedicating his whole existence trying to outsmart and change fate while using and manipulating everyone around him-- oh, and the story doesn't even follow him.

I can relate to this lol. i'm no good at coloring rn, and that makes Texas so easy because her skin is quite literally white

Hmm... I will go with Dex! He doesn't often show much expression, but later in the comic, he displays more emotions! (Thanks to someone he adores so much!)

Dex in episode 16:

Compared to him in recent episodes:

Destiny. I like drawing her giant bangs and her character lends to alot of funny expressions/unique outfits.

Well I don't have anyone really, but seeing as I'm working on developing mine naturally there's a mc at least lol his name is Julian

Ah, so you haven't written the rest of your story's cast yet?

I have two other characters currently, but they don't have any images yet ^^; I do plan on doing more, I've just many projects going on so it's taking time lol

same XD. I haven't drawn a lot of my characters yet either

As much as I love drawing her

They are pretty fun :3

Also him because the mustache is so fun to do

And Her because she is so fashionable
like a vicrtorian fashion doll lol

I think I draw Lady Lock more than any other character now :joy: and she’s recent! I only invented her last year but she’s become an icon of her own. I think last year’s sketchbook was 50% Lady Lock and that’s not actually hyperbole haha! I’m just ridiculous like that, I guess :sparkles:

Here’s the latest drawing I did of her:

Kind of a more sad piece though :0

What does the piece symbolize? also, is the purple hair a stylization of black or a new design change?

It represents her past traumas that still haunt her, and the purple hair is just a stylized black yes xD I actually just grabbed the wrong marker and rolled with it.

this is always a horrifying moment for me lol. When you don't realize until you have an oddly colored streak on your drawing...TT

lol yeah sometimes it bothers me too but I try to just incorporate mistakes into the design, usually the I can turn it around to look good again :joy: but sometimes it’s like OH GOD whyyyy my poor drawing </3

Ooh, I hadn't thought about this one before now. I'd say Khazmine is my favorite to draw.

As an aside, I despise drawing wings. They take forever to draw, but look so cute and floofy when finished. If you can't love the process, amirite? :rofl:

Zayzann looks like a real divo here lol. Birds are actually one of my favorite things to draw. Wings take a while,but they're worth it