Yeah… yeah, you read it right. I’m comin’ at you again with another Forum RP Thread TM. My last one went insanely well, but died off earlier this year, as all things eventually do. So I took a break, developed some new stories alongside my existing ones, found myself in the mood to RP again, and. Well, here we are.
I’m pretty sure y’all know the rules for these things by now, but in case you don’t, here they are:
1. No controlling other players’ characters without their permission. Think of it as having your character complete an action, and then passing the baton off to the group to have their characters react to said action.
2. No killing other players’ characters without their permission. I feel like this should go without saying, and it also kinda ties into the first rule, but I figured I’d write it in anyway. Unless you have explicit written permission from another RP’er to have your character kill theirs, let’s try and keep murder off the table, m’kay?
3. If you’re responding to multiple players, please don’t spam the thread with multiple responses all at once. Instead, tag everyone you’re responding to in one post, and then separate each person’s response accordingly.
4. Literally just be a decent RP’er and person. It’s not that hard, y’all. Occasionally having your character make jokes at another character’s expense is alright if the receiving party is cool with it, and so is having a character who’s canonically a bit of a jerk. And hell, we all make mistakes. If you make a few honest mistakes, are corrected on them, and work to make sure they don’t happen again, good on you. But repeated nasty/creepy/unforgivable behavior from you and/or your characters will result in a strike. I’m assuming you know how strikes in baseball work, and the same applies here; if you receive three strikes, you’ll be removed from the RP.
Alright, now that that’s out of the way, let’s get into characters. If you’d like to join, drop a bio for each of your characters down below, and I’ll add ‘em here for players to reference!
Joni Carrasco
Species: Human
Gender: Agender
Age: 24
Height: 5’5
Occupation: Stage actor
Personality: Theatre kid (when they’re happy/content), animated, tries to hide their negative emotions
Extra info: Hard of Hearing, autistic, primarily uses ASL to communicate but can also understand written English and Spanish, has extreme survivor’s guilt due to the war that they, Jericho, and Nash (see below) fought in as teenagers, has a passion for the ocean and marine life and likes to clean up the town’s beaches in their free time
Jericho Ramírez
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 6’
Occupation: Celebrity air racer and minor league baseball player
Personality: Extremely quiet, awkward, seemingly cold/indifferent but actually just doesn’t know how/doesn’t like expressing emotions in front of people he doesn’t know well
Extra info: Yael’s (see below) younger brother, autistic, trilingual (Spanish, English, ASL), he’s great at air racing but is indifferent at best to it, and he kinda sucks at baseball but actually likes it, fought alongside Joni in the war, pyrokinetic
Yael Ramírez
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Height: 6’4
Occupation: Intern teacher at a school for the Deaf
Personality: would rather observe than participate most of the time, scared of conflict but will step in if she feels she needs to, sensitive
Extra info: Profoundly Deaf, Jericho’s older sister, primarily communicates through ASL, but also writes in English and Spanish, was a nurse on the home front during the war before she took her teaching job, terrakinetic
Nash Ledger
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 5’4
Occupation: Also an air racer, independent musician
Personality: Bitey, charming, won’t start fights but also won’t hesitate to finish one, gentle with people he cares about, angry with pretty much everyone else
Extra info: Trans, fought in the war as well, but didn’t meet Joni and Jericho until later, trans ftm, member of a resistance group called “Shift”, electrokinetic
Tabitha Collymore
Species: Cyborg (once human)
Gender: Female
Age: 40
Height: 5'6
Occupation: Waitress
Extra info: A human weapon, capable of sprouting red metal wings that enable her to fly (when in standard or heat mode) or shoot bullets and the occasional missile (when in cannon mode)
Species: Pangolin
Gender: Male
Age: 3
Height: Average pangolin size idk
Occupation: Earth wizard
Extra info: He's just a little guy what do you want me to say
Hollow Ground
Species: Robot
Gender: Nonbinary
Age: 26
Height: 5'7
Occupation: Skate shop owner and coach
Extra info: Has DID/is a system of four alters including themself, a woman named Ethel, a man named Vox, and a man named Joseph, has an "airplane mode" that they're still trying to learn about and gain control of
Lieutenant Cormac O' Bryan and Private Russel Callahan
Species: Wolf Halfie/Ghost
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Height: 5'8
Occupation: Former reconnaissance pilot
Extra info: Irish, cannot make contact with the living world, but chills the air around him and has the ability to create frost and ice
Species: Ram Halfie
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 5'5
Occupation: Soldier
Extra info: Also Irish, natural medium (he sees Dead People TM)
Name: Cpt. Williams
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 6'
Personality: responsible, brave, poetic, caring
Occupation: soldier
Extra: Williams is second in command of his team. Although lacks leadership skills. Is skilled at sword fighting. Also has a fear of being locked inside a closet.
Name: Walter 'Waffle' Wallace
Species: Human/Lunite
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'10
Occupation: soldier/farmer
Personality: goofy, laid back, kind, gets distracted easily.
Extra: Waffle is a farmer who lives on the moon. He's able to see in low light conditions but cannot swim very well. He gets homesick often and will avoid looking up at the sky at night. Can play the banjo.
Name: Blancaflor "Flor" Cisneros
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5'7
Personality: kind, anxious, shy, intelligent
Extra: Flor is a shaman in training. She is able to shapeshift and has minor psychic abilities such as being able to talk to ghosts, project her astral form, and occasionally has visions.
Name: Flare Fafnir
Species: Fire Tarako
Gender: Male
Age: 18?
Personality: hot headed, quick to anger, hides a lot of issues beneath said anger, anxious and perfectionistic
Extra: Skilled knight and leader of the Dragoons. Has powers over fire and heat and is skilled with swords plus has a dragon partner that gives him power armor as well.
Name: Fubuki Fuma
Species: Ice Tarako
Gender: Female
Personality: cool, collected, stoic, acts like she doesn’t care but does care deeply.
Extra: skilled in ninjutsu and medical studies along with being the White Dragoon. Controls ice and can manipulate her own body temperature.
Name: Zephyr
Species: Air Tarako
Gender: Male
Age: ???
Personality: flamboyant, eccentric, knowledgeable, friendly
Extra: Former leader of the Dragoons. Has air powers abd shapeshifting among other strange abilities. Has a pet plant thing named snapdragon.
Name: Selena Stormbringer
Species: Water Tarako
Gender: Female
Age: 20?
Personality: friendly, kind, bold, naive, affectionate
Extra: Blue dragoon of water who desires to make a name for herself as a hero. Controls water and weather. Gives great hugs.
Name: Argine Regina
Species: Dredge
Gender: Female
Age: ???
Personality: Cold, Serious, Professional
Extra: Leader of the Dredge Terrorist group Royal Crimson. Seeks to steal magic from the Tarako for reviving the DRedge King Gufuu. Has a sword that can cut portals in space-time and has a lot of shadow elemental and dark magic up her sleeves. Views herself as noble and with standards. May or may be having Gufuu's soul riding shotgun within her.
Name: Shepherd (Shep)
Species: Half Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 5’5
Occupation: Shepherd
Personality: Friendly, talkative, easy-going, Gullible, big ears big heart.
Extra info: Energetic, agile & speedy, affinity for animals, compassionate towards others, panromantic. Has a sheepdog (border collie) named Connie.
Name: Sir Barrett
Species: Siren
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Height: 6’3
Occupation: Knight
Personality: violent, condescending, manipulative, nasty piece of work.
Extra: tawny feathers and hair (curtain style). Scraggy stubble and weathered face, from years of battle and hard liquor.
Name: Callan
Species: Siren
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 5’5
Occupation: Squire
Personality: Serious, distant, sarcastic, big mood.
Extra: Sir Barrett’s dogsbody (for the past 9 years). Short black hair & feathers. Dark brown eyes. Face often set in a frown.
Name: Jack
Species: unknown.
Gender: Male
Age: unknown (looks around 7)
Height: 3’5
Occupation: street urchin/stray.
Personality: Wild, curious, impulsive, unruly, protective of those he trusts.
Extra info: Can switch between being a humanoid boy and a wolf (pup). Only able to understand very simple requests and words.
Name: Ronah
Species: Felid
Age: 43
Height: 7'8
Occupation: Bandit
Personality: Blunt, impolite, impatient, abusive, with a dash of stupid
Name: Kaizou
Age: Looks 28
Height: 6'6
Occupation: Votary, ex-soldier
Personality: Quiet, expressionless 99% of the time, observant, likes jokes.
Extra: Has a bionic left leg, which caused him to limp when walking.
Captain Jupiter:
Species: Math Monarchy
Gender: Male
Age: 49
Height: 6’3”
Occupation: Peacekeeper
Personality: Kind, Friendly, Adventurous, Humorous
Species: Vlysiumin
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Height: 6’2”
Occupation: Solider
Personality: Jaded, nonchalant, indifferent, brave
Sam the Ram:
Species: Ram
Gender: Male
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 150lbs
Personality: Stubborn, headstrong, aloof, fiercely loyal
Age - late twentys?
Gender - Male
Height - 6ft
Powers - wind mage, assassin, acrobat / dancer. Seems to have an endless source of pointy objects
Bio - Playful and cheery, Zenith is an entertainer by day and assassin by night. Well travelled and resourceful he knows of many forms of medicine, magic and weaponry. He travels making a living via street performance and taking on demon hunting / assassination jobs. Never seen without his odd bird like mask and straw wig.
Age - mid 30s ?
Gender - Male
Height - 7'6 ft
Race - Armoured Dragon shifter
Powers - Extreme defensive prowess, projectile bones / bone blades, able to shift to a 30ft tall flightless dragon. No breath weapon.
Bio - Morux is a quiet and passive man, preferring peace and quiet to adventure and excitement. He's skilled in carving animals and creatures out of wood and pieces of bone. Making toys to sell at the local market. He rather not get involved in fights, but his bulk and height tends to end most rabble rousers with a look. He sadly has no memory of his family or childhood so his origins are a mystery to himself.
Name: Owl (legally Faruq Darwish)
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Height: 5'8
Occupation: Head archivist and researcher for the mystical Order of Al-kutbay
Personality: collected, slightly neuroric, quietly curious and good-natured; inability to properly relate to many people due to personal circumstances and connections to metaphysical chaos theory
Extra: Like all other cognitomancers before him, including former holders of his position, Owl gave up his true name a long time ago in exchange for slight insight into the metaphysical connections that surround the rhizomatic nature of reality. As second-in-command to Rooster, leader of the Order, he is in charge of sealing each cohnitomancer's true names and is a highly capable thaumathurge in many areas which unfortunately have remarkably little to do with combat; despite this, he has recently gotten himself injured, perhaps in more ways than one would expect. Owl specialises in a practical application of chaos theory, being able to use his magic in conjunction with his deep understanding of metaphysical connections to accurately predict outcomes in the short term, given enough information.
Personality: Smart, laidback, carefree, friendly, eager, caring, irresponsible, lazy, impatient, naïve
Extras: Likes collecting toys and bobbleheads, video gamer, films with his camera, makes models, good with math
Rip Scale-Rend
Species: Dragon man
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 4'3
Occupation: Cadet Ranger
Rip comes from a highly futuristic universe. He has an ability called a Spark, when activated it gives him extraordinary powers, though it comes with a drawback.
Rip is quick to act when he thinks someone is in danger, and has strong senses of justice and loyalty.
Species: Puppet
Gender: Female
Age: Late twenties
Height: 170cm
Occupation: None now
Personality: Ada is a jaded human in her late twenties, or at least she used to be until one day she decided jaywalking was a good idea. Now, she's reincarnated, as a human-sized puppet of all things, and she's freaking out.
I’ll make the first post below, and then anyone who wants to join can jump in with their characters. So without further ado… let the RP begin.
Oct '22
last reply
Aug '23
- 9.3k
- 145.9k
- 16
- 21.7k
- 12
There are 9266 replies with an estimated read time of 797 minutes.