60 / 9267
Oct 2022

(( Hi I’m back sorry I had to go to the rink

(( Welcome, @Legendofgenii !!


“It’s-“ Joni started to explain ASL to the monkey, but was interrupted by the commotion with Shep and Connie.

“…you’re right, I’ll explain it to you later.”

Yael looked like she was going to short circuit at the sight of the dog. She made a happy sounding noise as she cautiously went over to join Selena in the Pet Session.

(( Y’all still ready to go to the Benaroya residence, or do you wanna stay here a little longer and settle in with Jenny’s characters for a bit? I’m fine either way :blush:

(I'm fine with either one)
"Williams," he said, shaking Shep's hand. "Are you alright?"

"Lambs? Hopefully they're not out there, " said Waffle.

“I think so?” Shep patted himself down, just to be sure. “We were heading home from the grasslands. Must have fallen down a hole… or something?” He said, scratching his head in confusion.

“I hope not too.” He said to Waffle. “Hi, I’m Shep. Any idea where we are?”

Connie did the same to Yael. A couple of sniffs seemed to be enough for the dog to discern whether the strangers were nice or not.

((Lol! Just drag them along. :joy: ))

"Nice to meet you Shep. I'm Waffle. And from what I'm told, we're on Earth of the Milky Way Galaxy," said Waffle.

Selena giggles. “Hello there!” She waved to the dog and gently reached down to pet them.

Earth of the Milky Way Galaxy…” Shep repeated to himself as he looked around. He walked miles every day, but he didn’t recognise this place. The nearest beach back home was hours away.

His attention turned to Selena and Yael who were stood by his dog. “That’s Connie, my sheepdog. Don’t worry she’s very friendly.”

Connie gave Selena’s hand a gentle lick and sat down to be stroked. She seemed like a very calm and well behaved doggo.

Before they could move, another figure appear...with a dog.
"Okay, i'm used to magic staff but now it's quite too much...Do you have a good place to stay? This place smell..odd"
Odd was the only good term now to use, since he smelled something that he couldn't quite understand. A mixture of dirt, a bad smell and something else...

Selena smiled and hugged Connie, happy to meet such a friendly pooch.

“Got a new friend there already?” The long Snooted dragon asked Selena as she approached

"Hopefully their family home is big enough to fit all of us," said Williams. "Anyone else who decides to pop out of the sky."

(( I’m awake!

@alliascompany @aqua03 @PenguinAngel @Legendofgenii

Joni clapped again to get everyone’s attention before pointing to the boardwalk and raising their eyebrows as if to say, “Are we all ready to go?”

Yael was still preoccupied with the dog. Joni shuffled over to the two and tapped her on the shoulder to let her know that the group was getting ready to head out.

“Oh, wait.” Shepherd spotted something in the surf and rushed over to retrieve it before the sea could take it away again. It was a wooden cane that was curved on one end - a shepherds crook.

“Come on Con!” The teen called to the collie dog as he began to follow Joni and the others.

"I think so," said Waffle.
"We better get moving before anything else happens," said Williams, staring up at the sky.

The four dragons followed after the others as well, the red one rubbing his side where the ninja one was nudging him earlier

@alliascompany @aqua03

The boardwalk sagged ever so slightly under the group’s feet, but didn’t threaten to break. If it weren’t for the somewhat run-down buildings lining the shore, as well as the fact that there weren’t many people around, the Rockpoint shore might have looked like a welcoming beach resort town.

Yael walked a short distance behind Joni, who was signing to themself and humming, lost in thought. She let them be for a bit, when she saw two figures coming their way that alarmed her.

Clad all in tactical gear colored black and deep red, they stalked down the boardwalk as if on a mission; and they were, Yael supposed. The Seraphim always were.

She tapped on Joni’s shoulder, nodding uneasily in the direction of the two figures. Joni snapped back to reality, eyes darting around with worry. They began to try and lead the group a different way, but it was too late.

The taller of the two Seraphim stopped the group by blocking Joni’s way; knew better than to try and ignore him. “Excuse me,” he said. “We apologize for bothering you, but we were sent out here to investigate some strange activity on the beach. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would-“

The officer paused as he noticed all the strange figures standing behind Joni and Yael. His eyes narrowed, and his grip on his weapon shifted. “Tell us what happened on the beach, and what these things are. Otherwise you will face arrest.”

“Hello!” Selena waved at the officer in a friendly manner.

Waffle stared at the odd men with disdain and concern. Williams cleared his throat and held up his hands.
"Calm down, we come in peace. Also they're deaf. I don't think they can understand you, " said Williams. "I'm Captain Williams of...."
"We're refugees! We crashed into the sea and were rescued by these lovely people, " Waffle pipped up.

Connie's ears flattened against her head and she started to growl.

"It's ok Con." Shep whispered, giving the dog's head a reassuring scratch. The elf had no reason to fear the two strangers, but he did think the taller of the two was rather rude.

The shorter of the two officers, a woman, only stared at Selena with some mixture of curiosity and disdain.


The man nodded slowly, not quite sure if he believed Williams and Waffle. “And how come you ‘crashed into the sea’, as you say? Where did you come from?”


Yael looked back at Connie worriedly. She shuffled backwards towards the dog with her hands in the air, slowly reaching down to give her a quick scratch behind the ears.

Waffle gestured to up above.
"We come from a different planet. Our home is in chaos so we fled on a ship. But our ship malfunctioned and we had to land on Earth," Waffle explained, ignoring Williams' puzzled glances.
"Point is, we're not from this galaxy. If you can point us to the nearest intergalactic port, we'll be off this planet as soon as possible, " said the captain.

Connie stopped her growling, but was still wary of the two strangers.

Shep looked completely baffled by what Waffle was saying. He didn't see any boats back on the beach.

The elf politely raised his hand. "Um, I'm from the farmlands. It's about half a mile west from Bucklebury."

As they started to walk, Chiliang noticed that wherever he ended up, wasn't a living place at all. The place wasn't completely abandoned, but it was left in some ways, so of course something was quite off.
The two figured that approached the group wore a strange kind of armor, something that he never saw before...
By the way that Yael and Joni reacted, those two weren't a good sign to see, especially when you come from somewehere else or even the past.
With his hands behind is head, in a someway relaxed pose, Chiliang took a few step ahea, putting himself between Yael and the two strange soldier.
"I'm not from here, pretty sure you don't know the place in any case....Came on! Don't tell me you honestly think that we're some kind of anger!"
His tailed moved , starting to point in another direction, hoping for someone of the group to trying to catch his message.

@Legendofgenii @aqua03 @PenguinAngel

The Seraph was about to voice his refusal to believe what Waffle was saying, but then glanced again at the Dragoons, Chiliang, and Shep (particularly his elf ears). He glanced at Chiliang. “You’re not of this world, if what this young man is saying is correct. Of course it’s reasonable to suspect that you might be dangerous.”

Joni caught sight of Chiliang’s tail. He couldn’t possibly be telling them to run, could he…? Then again, it didn’t look like there was a better way out of the situation.

"We're not dangerous, silly." Shepherd spoke for everyone, despite only knowing them for five minutes. "We're just lost is all."

@Aeroyeen @Legendofgenii

"See? Ponty hear got it all right! And by the way you can't arrest us...we're technically haven't done nothing wrong!"
His hand started to reach to his pocket, taking out a small object: a really small red stuck, with some golden decoration on each end of it. Making another step, what he neddedn now was some room...just in case.
"And, even if we're dangerous, what exactely would you do to us?"

@PenguinAngel @Legendofgenii
Waffle swallowed hard. Scrats. They hadn't developed space travel yet.
"R-right. Lost and in need of sanctuary, " said Waffle.

He noticed Chiliang's tail and nudged Williams, who nodded. Waffle slowly started moving away, motioning the others to follow.

"He has a point. You lack evidence to prove we are dangerous. I promise as a captain that we will not engage in any unlawful activity while we are here," said Williams, stepping next to Chiliang.

Fubuki clapped her hand over Flares mouth before he could say anything to the guards.

“Right. We just need to find a safe place to stay while we find a way back to our homes and we will be out of your hair. By the way, you wouldn’t have to know of a good tea shop here, would you!” Zephyr asked politely

@alliascompany @Legendofgenii

The Seraph’s mouth hardened into a thin line at Chiliang’s and Williams’s argument. They were right, after all; he really didn’t have any proof that they were dangerous.

“…Carry on, then,” he said in an even voice. “But be aware that you’re under surveillance.”


The younger female Seraph seemed to soften up just a little at this. “There’s one down this way,” she said to Zephyr, tossing her head in the direction behind her. “It-“

She was promptly made quiet by a withering glare from the male Seraph.

“Thank you!” Zephyr said as he prepared to head that way.

“Tea sounds good.” Shepherd said after the lady suddenly went quiet. “It was lunchtime where I came from.” He added.

Williams let out a sigh of relief. Waffle was a few feet away when they had been let go. He turned, freezing in mid-run. "What?"

"Yes sir. We'll be on our best behavior," said Williams. "Tea sounds pretty good right about now."

@aqua03 @alliascompany @Legendofgenii

The Seraphim started to go on their way, though still not without eyeing the foreigners with suspicion.

As the group started to move along as well, Joni stayed at the head, turning to glance back at everyone. As they did so, they accidentally collided with the male Seraph, almost knocking him over.

He glared down at them, looking like he was about to say something. He didn’t, though, only sniffed and continued heading for the beach with his partner, who looked somewhat uncomfortable with the whole situation.

When the group was safely away from the Seraphim, Joni started to hum quietly again, flicking their index fingers back and forth.

Yael, meanwhile, gave Connie one last scritch on the head before turning to Shep. She started to sign, then paused, and instead reached into a pocket in her dress and pulled out a pencil and notepad. After scribbling something on a piece of paper, she handed it to Shep.

The note read, “What did the officers say?”

Zephyr and the others tried to look for the tea shop.


“So….. where you from?” Fubuki asked Will and Waffles.

The tea shop was some distance down the boardwalk. A wooden sign hung in front of it, painted green and displaying a simple graphic of a steaming teacup. Below that, “Cup of Heaven” was written in a fancy, old fashioned font.

An employee was unlocking the front doors to the shop, and didn’t notice the Dragoons headed their way.

Shepherd took the note from Yael and turned it this way and that. “Oh, um… they were afraid we might be dangerous, but don’t worry, they said we could go.”

Connie followed the group, weaving between them occasionally whenever she went to investigate something.

"We're from Tethren," said Williams.
"I'm from it's moon," said Waffle. "Where you guys from?"

Meanwhile, a girl with marigolds in her hair was following the group closely, trying to figure out how to best approach them.

Yael read what Shep had written, pursing her lips slightly before scribbling a “Thank you” on the note below his writing.


She caught sight of the girl with marigolds in her hair following the group, not recognizing her as one of the Rockpoint locals. Was she another foreigner?

Best to have her join the group if she was, Yael figured. She gave a small wave to the girl.

Flor hesitantly waved back. She might as well talk to them, right? Taking a deep breath, Flor marched over to the group.
"H-hello. D-do, do you live here?" She asked.


"Don't think I've heard of that either," said Williams. "Seems like we've been pulled from all over the universe. "

“Yeah, sounds like it…” Fubuki said in her usual plain manner.

Yael took her notepad back out, scribbling, “Hi there! I’m Yael, and I’m Deaf. Do you know ASL?” on it and handing it to Flor.


Cup of Heaven was about what you’d expect from a tea shop in a lower income boardwalk city. It was small, but very homey in spite of the slight areas where the interior was wearing down, and the air smelled like a mix of different tea leaves.