Well... it's mostly because of the popular page on Tapas. It's also because, well, it is probably one of the fastest growing genres and some new comics are kinda getting the "Bl effect" (I didn't coin the term) where if they're in the BL section they get some empty subs even though if it was tagged with a different genre there would grow maybe a tenth as quickly on Tapas (though I wouldn't really know how to guage it on Webtoons because people usually grow at a better pace there than here) and no, I'm not really exaggerating.
I just wanted to post a graph here of Tapas' popular section of how many comics I counted that belonged in a particular genre, pls note that I ended up counting some comics twice because sometimes there'd be a BL label on like an action genre comic or something
Also, the purple and orange pieces of the pie are Mystery and Slice of Life, there was so few of those that the spreadsheet program didn't bother labeling them
Also the popular section kept changing on me, so the data adds up to 147 comics instead of 150 comics because I'd count like one genre, move onto the next, but that next genre ended up getting drowned out by another genre. So it'd inflate something I already counted and deflate what I was in the middle of counting.
Thanks for taking the time to actually making this pie chart, I actually like it when there's some real facts to reference, also looking at it kinda makes me wanna cry because my I wanted to make another action comic but seeing this chart it kinda makes me feel like it'll be ignored....guess I should focus my efforts more on the romance department instead
Well it's just that I would really like to make comics for a living and I'd rather do things that would better improve my chances of doing that (kinda like how illustrators draw fanart in order to get noticed by people and companies)
I may not love Romance / BL but I don't hate them either so maybe my next comic after this romance one (when I have more resources) will be more to my personal tastes but hopefully this one will get me the notoriety I need as of right now to be able to continue doing comics or maybe an alternative of making a romance comics would be to include those elements to my pre-existing action stories kinda like a best of both worlds situation
pls keep in mind, that graph is just a reflection of specifically tapas, you don't have to post your comics on tapas to become a popular comic, I heard artists talking about just being on hiatus on tapas and just posting their stuff on twitter, I also hear webtoon is another place creators tend to go to upload their stuff.
Honestly, it's so easy to get hung up on the pie charts and popularity contests -- when all of that energy could go to harnessing your craft. That, and trends come and go. For a good while, horror was on the top charts. Then it was the Gamer tag, and so on.
Hell, even Twilight ran its course. Ya'll know about the vampire craze I'm talking about.
And if people are complaining about BL, I wanna know where they were when people were making Zombie movies, comics and films every other month because of things like The Walking Dead and World War Z
Most things just come and go, though some things last longer than others. I just go with the flow, and I feel more people ought to start doing the same.
I get it -- it can be annoying, and it might feel like you're not getting the audience you'd want. Doesn't mean those artists doing the popular thing didn't deserve their audience, and it doesn't mean the work you do is lesser.
If you choose to not do something because it's not popular, that only lessens its chance of being popular in the future.
That, and Tapas/Webtoons are not the sole provider of comics. There are millions of other comics out there are not BL or romance.
One of the main reason a lot of creators here think it's heavily popular is because they refer to these sites as the sole provider of online comics, and they're probably not used to actually seeing an actual surge of popular content.
(Note: I mean "you" in a general sense, not directly to you )
I think the main reason why people tend to treat Webtoon and Tapas as the sole provider of comics might be because they're the most well known, Kinda like how DeviantArt is the most well known place to post your art even though a couple of years back there were many other sites to post your art (CGhub, Elfwood etc..) but yeah if you know of any other sites where one can upload comics please feel free to post links cuz the only other sites I know tend to be premium sites that need you to pay to read and I'm poor so I never visit them lol
And to talk about trends, I think as creators we dance a very interesting line of personal interest and public interest, I think every creator should do what they want to do, give their ideas a chance to be brought to life, but at the same time I also feel that we should pay attention to the trend and learn to ride the wave but at the same time not get consumed by the wave and personally I feel that I've been trying to hard to fight the wave whereas I think I should also try to go with the flow
I'm wondering just how much inflation of the romance section is caused by counting all the BL from outside of that genre? It's pretty normal for Romance to be a sub genre in other stories, but that means all cases where BL is included as a romantic sub genre to a non-romantic genre gets included in romance, but none of the cases were a romance genre story includes a subgenre contribute to the other genres, or any other cross genre stories.
Not saying you're responsible for answering that, mind you! You were very honest about how you got your numbers. Just pointing this out for consideration.
well, the way i got those numbers is I looked at whatever comic had a bl label on it or had a romance tag on it. sometimes there’d be a comic like Ghost Eyes where the tag is horror but it has a bl label on it, those ones i would count twice, one for the bl and another for the horror. now something else that was just simply beyond my control is the live updating of the popular tab. this definitely threw something off because despite counting some comics twice as i had explained, i ended up with a total that was less than 150 comics when it should’ve been more than 150 comics total. if anything, THAT was a source of not just inflation, but deflating as well. i will say this however, a lot of comics i counted that had a bl label was also tagged as bl in the genre piece as well, so even if i went and didn’t count the comics that had just a label but a different genre tag, the romance section would still be more than double the next most popular section
Yeah, the live updating makes any kind of track much harder to follow. And don't worry, I'm not trying to say romance wouldn't still be huge, I realize it would be. I was more wondering how the results would look if we had a greater capacity for cross genre options. Romance would still be a beast, but I think we'd see more variety that way? Or I hope we would. XD
alright? it doesn’t really matter imo, i mean not only will that not change the graph much, but in my book if an author finds that their story has enough boy love in it to slap a bl label on the cover because they can’t choose multiple genres or there wasn’t a tag for just bl at the time they made the comic, then it should count as a bl. besides half the characters in it are gay for each other, I’d just as soon call it a romantic horror the same way some would say a story is a romantic comedy
I definitely think there is more variety here than the surface lets on. Someone who actually reads romance and bl will soon realize that very few comics are purely that. Because even the people with the highest interest in romance would get bored if lovey dovey tales were all there was to a comic. Usually the genres will be combined with others. Oftentimes it is paired with comedy, seemingly the most popular combo since it is upbeat, relatable and just generally satisfies two major needs that people have emotionally and socially.
But of course there are more combos. Horror and romance is quite a popular combo on Tapas, since they are also the two most popular genres separately. It may not feel like horror is very popular if you take a surface look at the site, but if you are more familiar with the trends and the most popular creators, you start to see it more. Darkbox for one is a prime example of a pure horror creator with longtime popularity. The snipster is one of tapas' most popular creators and she has one foot in the land of horror (she had a series dedicated to horror illustrations and the like, has made horror side projects, and you can very clearly see the influence horror has had on her art and writing even in her biggest comic. A comic many people look at and think "BL"). If I may make an example of myself as well (yeah cocky I know but I am on the first page of popular creators so I do matter statistically in this regard) I also started out doing horror long before I did BL, and most of my projects meddle with horror or darker themes in some way.
This diversity is something that someone without an interest in the genres often overlooks and is one of the many reasons why someone doing a genre they hate is often bound to fail doing it. At least compared to their peers. My advice to creators doing other genres would be to keep doing what you love, post on multiple platforms and consider attempting to approach publishing deals with companies that are more down your alley. Don't make content in a genre you hate just to get noticed; as a creator you are a brand. If you make a lot of BL, you brand yourself as someone people expect BL from. Trying to pull it as a publicity stunt only to ditch it as soon as you have the numbers you want will immediately lose you your numbers since it leaves the audience disappointed. Of course you can get your audience interested in more genres if you wanna do very different projects, but you will have to approach something like that with patience, and the thing that would attract your audience to those new projects would be your art and writing. Which would require passion. So don't write genres you don't like!!!!