55 / 122
Aug 2016

Welp, since I didnt get to post yesterday(my flash drive wonked out & I had to have someone recover the data and transfer it to a new flash drive) I'll just post it today...

The finished inks on the crowd scene. Kind of a little behind on my production schedule, so I'll be spending the happy weekend coloring..!

Currently starting colors on the crowd scene. This page is kind of a tedious one(with all the faces/color choices), so I'm just starting on that one today(took a need break yesterday evening).

With being stated, I've wrapped up coloring & lettering on some of the other pages though- so here's a peek at o panel from a future page(just realized that I gotta go back & correct an area).

Not a patch on you guys, but here's my process for Impostor Syndrome.
(at the moment, I can't draw, so I use Inkscape to effectively mould and carve my image from Bezzier lines)

And the finished panel:

Another Wednesday, another WIP!
Still working on colors...

Finished inks on a Ray Thunder page. Skipped my step of tightening the pencils, and went straight to inks...

Finished inks on another Ray Thunder page. Started colors, but the WIP of that is too murky looking right now...

Just finished line work on Shades Of Men page 80...
Took me longer than expected. I hope to finish the color today.
That means I should get back to work, right?

Working on the next West update, looking at five pages altogether, this is the third.

Working on today's page of VCvsDvsCFAD.
I wished it was an action page, don't like too much doing talk pages, but...it wouldnt have too much sense fight without context

Here are some inks I finally got around to finishing for the Cover of Chapter 1 for Visceral. I have been missing working on this project so much! I finally got a little time to at least move it this far lol!

Had been fighting to get to work on more Ray Thunder pages this week. Finally sat down and did some warm up sketches- which helped me get motivated enough to get started on a page...